Very bland looking room and furniture too..
Bloody hypocrite.. That's exactly what her type are trying to do to the rest of us.
What are the odds on another global mad cow disease outbreak popping up to to force the culling of said cattle?
Maybe a liberal will take that bet.. They're not the brightest and do like to redistribute wealth in a socialist sort of way.. A perfect opportunity for them!
Blocking out the sun whilst claiming global warming exists to ruin crops and force companies/countries to line their pockets..
Just need to make it not only socially acceptable but socially necessary and they'll be all over those odds..!
It's incredible how it's all linked, isn't it? It's in our faces but the majority of people think it's all wild conspiracy that could never happen because it all sounds so stupid..
Liberal logic.. 'He participated and won, even if she came last..'
Haven't seen that before, thanks for replying with it.. Incredible graphic..
They're 'in the know' thanks to their 'insiders'..