What do you bet the top leaders in Iran now are actually Jews? I would take that bet.
This man is a bad life actor. Lets retire his career and show the world his penis once and for all.
They were planning to make Obongo the leader of the United Nations. So he could sit in NYC and shit talk while the world burned.
Any chance this Hitler escaped is just a Jew LARP to besmerch the name of the only man to call them out and give them a run for their sheckels?
He means….lets hunt the witches now.
Yes the rate is fake but it was the measurement that Obongo used. So why change it when the normies are too stupid to understand that central point?
Would smash….wouldnt even have to be drunk….she deserves my offspring. One for you…one for you.
Its like ¨Weekend at Bernies¨ they just drag her body around and fake everything.