Anonymous ID: ac7792 Feb. 20, 2021, 1:50 p.m. No.13010779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0782


You might be kidding, but if the plan involves letting Americans "figure out this communism thing" from a first hand perspective under "president" Joe kiddie fucker, then it's very apparent Q's assumption is an overwhelming majority of American are way to fucking stupid to pick up a book and read about it. That should be at least just a tad bit concerning to the most avid Q research anons.


No matter how many people I've talked to over the years about DJT, even his most rabid detractors would state "If mass round ups happen, and proof is given, then I might consider I was wrong about Trump" as a response to the bottom line question. Conversations like this would have been considered with people putting the plan together. But let's analyze what happened instead.


Gen Flynn gathered a group of people to do "information warfare" with MSM using alt-types and social influencers, and eventually anons. It was an "information warfare discipleship" program. Many of these people have some obvious influences outside of the focus of the movement, and nearly all of them decried Q as unauthentic. We were told by Q to be careful who to follow, while the majority of the people being followed (Big Name Accounts) appeared to fit the mold of those we were being warned against. The proofs collected over the years were "close enough" to give Q's claims validity, while also maintaining the "plausible deniability" that made the entirety of it tie into the most important drops of all, #4 and #6.


We were told up front that we'd never get first-hand confirmation from PDJT about Q or the things discussed here. This was the main attack vector after PDJT "lost" the election in the form of shills, or perhaps disenfranchised anons saying Q was a mirror of "Operation Trust". Things haven't been the same since the election, and the movement that once touted google, twitter, facebook, instagram, and the net would be killed/paused, suddenly started searching for a new 'public' home on Parler, then Gab, and now telegram. Parler is an investment strategy for a few. Gab is an alt-right hangout. Telegram needs a phone number (no thanks), so many people decided "fuck it", while a few hardcore anons dove in head first with each move.


Anons were told elections were secure. Anons were NOT told they'd be allowed to seemingly get away with stealing it. We're now looking at a SCOTUS under lockdown after reviewing whether or not to hear Wood's and Powell's case. Then the interesting thread/drop from yet another "helper larper" with a convincing (possibly even mixed truths) thread on 4chan:


Also, with the board under constant attack, easy and obvious fixes side-stepped in order to keep from "letting the attackers win by changing the board culture". There are still many questions around Jim's congressional testimony, and the obvious FF that was an attempt to bring this place offline (that Q "predicted", btw). Jim's not going to answer any of those questions as it was closed-door, and likely many classified items were discussed. When you consider the general back history of 8ch/8kun, especially when you go as far back as when Fred ran the show, lots of folks are looking at a more total picture of it all and still scratching their heads with more questions than ever before. Why this place? Why all the kayfabe between Jim and Fred? Fred endorsed Q to begin with, and then went dummy. Seems a bit whack, even for him. Not to mention how some of Flynn's people seem to overlap with folks like Fred, and that circle of channers like Jim, Hiroshimoot, Ron, and others.


So now people have to ask themselves where they fall in the camps of people that know about this place, the movement, and the future of 8kun in general.

Anonymous ID: ac7792 Feb. 20, 2021, 1:50 p.m. No.13010782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0816 >>0856



Camp 1:

Anons that truly believe Trump, his family, and those he's allied with (many of which we may or may not ever know or find out about working behind the scenes) are authentically trying to show people the truth about this world, and how it works. The "Q" idea was hatched, and went through iterations and moves to give anons a workspace to do their jobs. Anons ended up here when it was 8chan, and eventually qresearch was born. In that time, Q abandoned 2 boards they created just for themselves; /projectdcomms/, and /patriotsfight/. 2 potential reasons for that:

  1. The plans changed and that needed to be taken down.

  2. Q was using those as taunts to witnesses they were controlling to show how serious they were.


The current state of the board is obviously inconsequential to the plan, should there be one that's continuing (and many anons believe that's the case) because if it wasn't, Q would've stopped by and given anons at least a glimpse of where to work on next steps. Regardless of that, anons still feel this well-oiled machine of work and progress/process is an excellent model of conglomeration of information, and dissemination.


Camp 2:

The ones that buy into any Q at all should ask themselves why they even bother being here unless they genuinely feel that all of this was the most massive promo of a website that has ever been done in the history of marketing. If that's the case, Jim would turn out to be one of the most liked and vilified humans to have ever lived. Liked because people would see the overall message as authentic in spreading truth. Vilified because he would have cooked up an elaborate story to promote his website. Camp 2 doesn't make sense because Jim is obviously making life plans for "after all this is really and truly over", and if someone as close to it all such as Jim isn't making any post-apocalyptic plans for when Jesus returns and we're all singing Kumbaya in our knickers in heavenly ever after. Anons that know, know Jim would like to keep this sort of thing going but perhaps under a new image of citizen journalism or what-not.


And honestly, that's Jim prerogative. More power to him. I think everyone can attest to the fact that sometimes life has a way of making a way for you if you find yourself in the right place and the right opportunity with the right attitude. Luck isn't real, it's just were persistence and opportunity intersect. Which gets us back to the real reason most of us are here anyway. We want some fucking answers. We want all the truth, and many of us, here, think we're definitely not in the 99%. We always have been, and always will be in the 1% that can handle it. Things like this are a good motivator, but outside of that, most hardened anons are disciplined enough to fit right in with the 1% claim from Q.



This is why we continue in what we're doing, here, and other places (including the board next door that is currently embroiled in conflict with this board). Common goal is, we want DS evil pursued and brought to justice. As we digger anons find more and more of these networks that are seemingly still operating, it's a real head scratcher. Are they honeypots taken over by the good guys? Exactly who are the good guys anymore, at that? Why are these places still online? What's the fucking hold up, exactly, in doing the right thing?



If you are reading this, and are one of the many people still attacking this place and others for uncovering the truth and spreading that truth to the people of this world, then you should seriously consider doing what you can to get out of that situation. Your efforts are literally hindering works that are going towards saving children. That's pretty fucked up, even for some of you really bitter and nasty people, not to mention motivating people to keep digging for the truth. And by continuing in your assault, you further the existence of this place. Keep in mind, also, that if this board does indeed fall one day, dozens of others will take it place.


Perhaps it would be nice of Jim to stop by and make a statement of clarifications?