Anonymous ID: d3ae09 Feb. 20, 2021, 12:47 p.m. No.13010314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0322

>>13006106 (PB)

Pretty certain that the bullet is going to pass through the paper target and not remain on it.

>>13005406 (PB)

A) facial recognition software

B) cell phone tower pings might be more precise than we were told.

>>13005522 (PB)

That was a problem with another report earlier. More doses received than given. SOMEONE is cooking the numbers and they are being pretty consistent about it.

And fucking reporters are goddamned idiots not to do that simple fact check.

>>13005586 (PB)

Board of Driectors plus two committees for Rabobank. Looks to me like ERCOT needs someone who can pay more attention (and brings more energy management skills) to the energy needs of Texans.


To be a first chair violinist in that orchestra and saying to yourself "I can do that."

>>13005786 (PB)


Everyone has already heard that. We've heard that since the early days. Do you have any other suggestions such as, perhaps, teaching girls not to show half their skin to anyone who cares to look? Just as men have to be responsible for what they do, so do women. Provocative attire is intended to provoke the beast. Women know this when they put it on. They don't get to complain when it works.

>>13005791 (PB)



Trump told you to take HCQ. That's what Trump said to do. When the media and the CDC bitched, he rushed the vaccine through. CLUE: the vaccine was actually YEARS in development … from before Covid-19 ever got marketed. Do your homework and stop blaming Trump for shit other people did.

>>13005862 (PB)

Got Title IX squared away (temporarily). Biden has over-ridden it with an EO so 6'6" guys are once again able to wrestle 4'9" girls.

>>13005930 (PB)

Those provisions and preparations predate Trump by a decade or more. Go fish.

>>13005637 (PB)

200,000 (or so) to one … and you're one of them. Stay away from me, Quisling.

Anonymous ID: d3ae09 Feb. 20, 2021, 1 p.m. No.13010391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13010368 (PB)

>transmitting in interstate commerce a communication containing a threat to injure the person of another,”

But ONLY if they come into her house IN FLORIDA … where she has a legal right to do just that.

Anonymous ID: d3ae09 Feb. 20, 2021, 1:07 p.m. No.13010455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0467 >>0503


>"How many coincidences will you need before it becomes mathematically impossible".

Before WHAT becomes mathematically impossible? That Q is telling the truth or that Q is lying?

I've watched for a long, long, time as assumptions have been jumped to and imaginary rabbits chased down empty holes.

I really think that the autists stopped posting much because they kept getting drowned out.

I have a very high IQ (>3%) but have struggled to make my voice heard. So mostly I lurk and shit post.

So, maybe we could begin by not assuming what it is that is supposed to be mathematically impossible.

Maybe BO/BV could start handing out 24 hour timeouts to those whose sole purpose appeared to be to divert us from effectively dealing with the DS.