Anonymous ID: 7416e0 Feb. 20, 2021, 2:43 p.m. No.13011192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1532

These people are SICK


It's about programming the mind!

How to keep the public in a brainwashed state of mind.


And they hate and cannot understand why we anons aren't susceptible to it.


SICK = Sentences Involving Compositional Knowledge (artificial speech recognition)


The SICK (Sentences Involving Compositional Knowledge) dataset for relatedness and entailment


CiMeC - Center for Mind/Brain Sciences


Language, Interaction and Computation Laboratory (CLIC)


The Lavi Group:


''Language and Vision are two fundamental modalities through which human beings acquire knowledge about the world. We see and speak about things and events around us, and by doing so, we learn properties and relations about objects. These two modalities are quite interdependent and we constantly mix information we acquire through them. However, computational models of language and vision have been developing separately and the two research communities have for a long time been unaware of each other's work. Interestingly, through these parallel research lines, they have developed highly compatible representations of words and images, respectively.

The importance of developing computational models of language and vision together has been highlighted by philosophers and cognitive scientists since the birth of the Artificial Intelligence paradigm. Only recently, however, the challenge has been empirically taken up by computational linguists and computer vision researchers.''

In the last two decades, the availability of large amounts of text on the web has led to tremendous improvements in NLP research. Sophisticated textual search engines are now well consolidated and part of everybody's daily life. Images are the natural next challenge of the digital society. The combination of language and vision is the winning horse for this new era*.


*Language and vision, like… MEME's?


The CALM group:


The CALM group investigates how meaning emerges in humans, how it functionally corresponds to elements of worlds, and how it expresses itself in observable, speaker-dependent linguistic utterances. The main methodology of the group is computational modeling, which allows us to perform extensive testing of particular cognitive and linguistic hypotheses. We also routinely engage in the investigation of state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence algorithms with a view to integrate them into our modeling activitites.


CALM before the Storm?

Does Q mean, like when we break their programming (the Great Awakening) the Storm of woken population will be unleashed?

They are very afraid of this.

But that day will arrive.

And they will not be able to walk the streets ever again.


Please research furter.

I think this is very important stuff.