Anonymous ID: bfe0e7 Feb. 20, 2021, 3:35 p.m. No.13011597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1614 >>1615 >>1628 >>1633 >>1634 >>1635 >>1636 >>1646 >>1658 >>1680 >>1681 >>1692

I'm leaving this disgusting board …


It has turned into a hateful porn ridden

anti-God platform and people wonder why Trump lost


It's sad to see people who say are awake are actually not but persist in their Evil desires ..


Your not even good enough to be called Anons anymore cause all you are is Satanic little bitches playing your mind games …


SO Sad that Humans are so far gone off the path that there is nothing left to save ..


Have a great life as you watch your country, families and loved ones spiral into a world of hell …


No need to respond to this .I will not be seeing your comments


Of course most will want to attack because of your guilt in knowing I'm right ….