Anonymous ID: 13b454 Feb. 20, 2021, 4:41 p.m. No.13012117   🗄️.is 🔗kun

18 years ago!

Anonymous ID: 13b454 Feb. 20, 2021, 5:17 p.m. No.13012397   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the constant non sequitur methodology doesn't really make you seem mysterious.

that only works if you are present, and I'm being lead on an interesting journey, like a lonely traveler who meets a great man . . . only he doesn't know it.

in your case it's more like you are just larping.

and no one can fathom what you are going on about.

we say 'but it is mysterious enough without your observations.'

you say 'no lookie here, lookie there' and point at shadows that fleet in the flickering light as it diminishes and you fade off towards some other part.

No one follows.

But they see you hopping from IP to IP, talking to yourself

"How interesting I am."

"How powerful I am"

"I was in a time machine on a different time line but that time line was on yet another different time line."


If you put a diamond in a room of mirrors you see very many of the same diamond . It looks like there are a lot of them. There is only one.

In your case there is no precious diamond that I can see.

You are an invisible diamond in an invisible hall of mirrors where some one left the light off.

And no one knows where the switch is so you stay in the dark calling out "no , really, I've got a story. Wait. I can't tell you now"

Then you hop over "Did you tell them your deep gray secrets, or the blue ones? Or the purple?"

and all you can say then is "it's too dark to know what color my secrets are this time. But it's interesting. "

You take no interest in anyone else.

You make up things to say about them like you did with me this time. The rest get bored. The do their deal. In my case I write out what it seems like you are doing,but I can't really know.

The lights are out.

Anonymous ID: 13b454 Feb. 20, 2021, 5:29 p.m. No.13012480   🗄️.is 🔗kun


'good time?'

forcing yourself to wrestle with your spiritual fallacies and thinking it's 'fun'.

It is better to not need to do that, but in some sense it would thus be a cure.

the trouble is that it doesn't just screw with perception, but it can also screw with your reasoning.

also the stuff might be 'made up' that you imagine.


Or are you opening a door?

if you are in a hallway with hundreds of doors, a rooming house for spirits, do you think they want you busting in?

if you need it, use it. If you are overcoming an addiction, whatever it is, an dit's part of a known method to . . . replace a shattered ego with something like a green clean sprout, a garden bud, oh you musturd seed you.


you get the message and you don't get another one.

you can try and try but they already told you, and they don't repeat themselves.

you can go back to abyss. do a 'do over'.

that'll work. (sarcasm at the chasam)

precipice or take a . . .