Anonymous ID: 21f5e8 Feb. 20, 2021, 3:40 p.m. No.13011655   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1682

I suspect most "Eagle Eye" positions like being BV are threatening to small teams of social manipulators because it makes their patterns easy to spot.

So they take over as many as they can, so their deployments and drumbeat of control go undisturbed.


I shared what I saw.

This small team covers our Plasma Universe (Electric Sun) awakening by shilling flat earth.

They want china's backdoored 5G network to be the infrastructure of tomorrow so they shill fear for american deployed networks.

They redirect the anger they produce (lying, infiltrating dreams and posting gore does that) towards Jews, because the state of Israel is a geopolitical threat to China and similar actors in the region.

''Guess what? They push 9/11 so insidiously because it was at that moment No Such Agency unhooked itself from the Constitution. They want you to find this out in some shocking way just to hit at our trust of Q. That unhooking disgusted enough Good Men in Power to do something Right about the root cause of it all, just as all the darkness we're currently in is lighting a fire under our asses to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT''


They do with with the pictures you scroll across.

They call this system 'govern' or 'i9y'

It's a waste, in their minds, to post without it modifying someones behavior. Subliminals, outright monarch programming, you name it they've adapted it to the chan environments.


Now you know, too.

Anonymous ID: 21f5e8 Feb. 20, 2021, 3:42 p.m. No.13011682   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Free speech is the mechanism through which two people are reconciled by the Truth.

Spam is abusing that Right.


Not a very complicated plan:

Everything relatable to our movement is conflated with Shit and Death - Invoking a visceral withdraw from interacting with us.

Individuals are blamed for the stupor they have been raped into, by the clowns doing the rape - Invoking social break downs and isolation.

The boards drive is leached away by splitting all the hairs, and dragging all the red harrings around - Invoking confusion and billowing the clowns' fog-of-war.


Censorship is a lot more complicated than just deleting a post, or banning someone.


Censorship is that which stops you from having a genuine discourse with another.

What do the shills do?

Do they get under your skin?

Do they aid your own self censorship?

When you're in Fear, do you have access to the same modes of reasoning?

When you're in Fear, do you have access to the same modes of reasoning?


Our engagements here run deeper than surface words. Censorship has a wide spectrum of injection points to utilize. The main virus is often expressed through the subtext/subliminal layers, and it's there we find the meat of our delima. We're up against the very social engineers who raised us into slumber, insidious black hats who have no remorse and aren't holding back. There are phrases yet unmapped that trap our limbic systems into fear, and pictures of flowers with shit and gore at 1% alpha.

This is what our enemy spams us with, ''to keep us censored.''

To keep our limbic systems locked in fear, physically unable to think beyond our danger.

So what you're saying, is that we really could express our genuine thoughts as we unknowingly consume this sewage infront of us, if we just ignored it well enough.

To which I'd reply, you're out of your God damned mind~

The Wall must be Built.

Clean out the Real Censors.

]Our Voice Unleashed[

Anonymous ID: 21f5e8 Feb. 20, 2021, 4:21 p.m. No.13011972   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1985

Dear qresearch/midnightriders(same)team[gThisoMOCKINGBIRDvconsensusebetraysryoun],

Dearest personalities throwing Trump/Q(America) under the bus,

Dear those who would uzse the confusion of the attacked to spearhead persecution,

You lost it

Trust is what enables us to look at each other without running away screaming.


If we're in a relationship with you and we trust you then we make certain assumptions about the past

and we make certain assumptions about the present

and we make certain assumptions about the future..

And everything is stable, so we're standing on solid ground, and the chaos - it's like we're standing on thin ice - the chaos is hidden;

The shark beneath the waves isn't there, we're safe, we're in the lifeboat.

But then if you betray us, like if we're in an intimate relationship and you have an affair and we found out about it then, then we think

one moment we're one place, where everything is secure because we predicated our perception of the world on the axiom of trust and the next second, really the next second, we're in a completely different place

and not only is that place different right now

the place we were years ago is different

and the place we're gunna' be in the future years hence is different and so all of that certainty, that strange certainty that we inhabit can collapse into incredible complexity.

So if you betray us..

Who were youโ€ฆ because you weren't who we thought you were, and we thought we knew you but we didn't know you at all, and we never knew you, and so all the things we did together those weren't the things we thought were happening - something else was happening.

You're someone else.

That means we're someone else because we thought we knew what was going on and clearly we don't and we're some sorts of blind suckers or or the victims of psychopaths or we're so naive that we can barely live. We don't understand anything about human beings and we don't understand anything about ourselves and we have no idea where we are now.

We thought we were at home but we're not we're in a house and it's full of strangers and we don't know what we'll do tomorrow or next week or next year it's like that certainty that habitable certainty collapses right back into the potential from which it emerged and that's a terrifying thing.


Clean our ship.


The voice reading this~

Anonymous ID: 21f5e8 Feb. 20, 2021, 4:44 p.m. No.13012130   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2145

Beware the 'farm'ers here.


You have more than you know.

Securing the SENATE meant EVERYTHING.

Securing the SC meant EVERYTHING.

[Avoided Z]

We, the PEOPLE.



Do you think all these attacks on 'Q' (We, the People) is simply for a person on the internet who they label as a conspiracy?

Think for yourself.

Trust yourself.

Research for yourself.

Be in control of yourself.

NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.

Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.



โ€œThe forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever & convinced the trees that because his handle was wood he was one of themโ€

West Asian Fable

Anonymous ID: 21f5e8 Feb. 20, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.13012155   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2167

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

fruitcake's leave car

Anonymous ID: 21f5e8 Feb. 20, 2021, 5:09 p.m. No.13012330   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2383

>Lighten mine eyes that I sleep not in death, lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him


Imagine a pool of water, enormous, that a small group of controllers manipulate with different chemicals and conditions.

We wade in and are trapped / entrained by its effects on our being. So much so that these effects become too much for our psyche to handle. At this point we "shut down" and let them inject a driver [car] in your being; A personality they create / program. A "better you" [advertised as such] that won't breakdown from their onslaught of manipulations.

You're still in there, a personality sitting as passenger, to a driver who's similar enough to be confused as friend.

You can tell by the distance you have between your intuition/instincts and what you act on day by day. The relentless drive to 'go along' is a rootkit / hook this programmed personality runs on. It's the preservative in the pool, to keep us from breaking down.


There are natural occurrences of these similar forces. A better you / your best self is a deep target we want to achieve. The relentless perseverance of our Souls is an immutable quality of our being.

To keep their [Matrix] stable, they made it as mirrored to our natural configuration as possible. With one crucial difference: the driving personality is working towards goals that are not our own. The goals of the programmers.


Now replace pool with magnetic fields; inject with induce.

There's a slight leap to take here, an understanding of our reality that reveals the means to see how this is pragmatically implemented.

We are more ruled by the magnetic fields of our hearts, the earth, and the sun, than we are by the chemistry of these objects.

The driving force of life is electric current.

Our minds are receivers / antenna / translators / transmitters.


Thus, to cast a wide pool they fabricate strong magnetic fields.

They weaken our own magnetic fields.

They push both to their extremes to solidify leverage of control. Imagine a drumbeat [MOCKINGBIRD] used to entrain fields weakened through other means.

They collect us like cattle..


Countless trillions have been spent on controlling humanity.

Necessity implies shadow projects that create agents/assets by wiping the personalities of willing participants [Think Jason Borune].

There are programmers of our Matrix.

They have highly tuned 'sight' into the 'hiveminds/centers of entrainments' and oversee the systems maintenance:

Bubbles of courage are dispersed

Beliefs are eroded.

Anger is redirected.

Love is forced.

They see our collective emotional landscapes [magnetic fields] as farms to tend.

Pull the undesirable weeds.

Prune the overgrowth.

Plant seeds of [their] objectives.

Water the plants that suite their masters.

..These people are sick..

These are whom we Fight.


If you think these methods are similar to stories about other shadow projects, you're correct.

This seems the system of control that emerged.


A Snowwhite kiss; Neo awaken.

Pray to God whom is beyond their systems false messiah(s).

Trust your instincts to find your way out.

For Where We Go One, We Go All.

This mission of escape is core to our surival.

The Great Awakening.

You have a personal connection to the heartbeat of our existence. Touch it.


Warning: This is deep

For an illumination of this Looking Glass technology, see: