Starting to think Satan made a move from Rome to Isrl.
Noone remembers this but in retrospect I'm pretty confident Prince Wlm's private get together in '19 explained what was coming to cult members in regards to the crown virus.
He will play a major role for Satan in coming days.
Research the wound to his head that was healed.
Research SERCO (SerpentCo)
Rsch their true lineage. SaxeCoburgGothas.
Rsch how they have maintained control of China for the cult. Rome is the manager through the Jesuits. Prince Edwards Masons handle the lower level stuff in communities.
Rsch Rchild creation of Isr through the Balfour Dec and the crowd's reliance on them post Waterloo.
They have plans for William.
Rumors of the Golden Phallus being used on Di as well.
Project Fulsome was the operation name for the failed '16 surveillance of candidate 45.
If you concede that the Chicoms are still run by Rome and UK then it comes together.
The steal has been exhaustively proven.
Small minded thinking to lay ultimate responsibility w Chna.
The great reset is a masonic reset to transition us into worship of Lucifer. Possibly embodied in Wlm currently or someday.
If you give weight to johnheretohelp's tech revelation a prophetic picture comes into view.