The Mashiach Prayer
May it be Your will O Lord our God and the God of our forefathers,
That You receive with goodwill the prayers of Your people,
Which have prayed to You in all the generations everywhere in the world,
Particularly in the land You instructed Moses to bring Your people to.
And in the merit of these prayers You shall tilt the scale of merit
To redeem Your people a complete redemption
With kindness and mercy, with miracles and wonders,
And subjugate under You the kingdom of blood
Which is the kingdom of Edom and the kingdom of Tallow,
Which is the kingdom of Ishmael,
In the merit of all the true righteous individuals who lived until this day
And in the merit of all the righteous who are with us today.
In the merit that we yearn to see Your complete redemption,
Please God, send us promptly Elijah the prophet, Your servant,
And the King Messiah to crown Him on the people of the whole world.
Please God, do not return our prayer empty because we put our trust in You.
Please answer us and do not delay Your response for Your salvation we yearn.
May our words and contemplation of our hearts be received with goodwill,
God, our rock and our redeemer.
Here is the link to the original prayer which had to edited here to correct
profound errors but more information and additional prayers is also provided:
More information on the purpose of this prayer is given here:
An announcement promoting this event is here:
The whole idea behind this global event is to get everyone who does not recite this prayer daily to
become involved at least this once and at an appointed time because the power of prayer is real and
when millions upon millions of people join in unison, good things can happen. However, the prayer
They have posted to recite really sucks and will accomplish little because it lacks any depth at all.
Still, any prayer is better than none.
Please take one minute today, Feb 21, at 11am EST - 8am PST to engage this prayer. Thank You.
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