Anonymous ID: 4b7f8b March 2, 2021, 12:53 p.m. No.13097976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

dear god no. the final push was witnessing the state of french cities and towns. the true question is, how did this happen? anyone can be a member of our nation, as long as they have the paperwork. what does it seek to conserve? this time of possible instability will also be a at a time where our potential nation enemies in the east will be reaching their own zeniths of power.


on top of this is a two party political system, split by racial, social, cultural, linguistic and class divides. there are cultural, ethnic and racial differences that makes interchanging one ethnic group with another an impossibility. the great replacement do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. our present comfortable, privileged and prosperous life was gifted to us by our forebears, with the belief that we would maintain, cherish and even expand upon their work, so that one day our own children can enjoy the rewards of our labour. and how does diversity increase that strength? europa rises

>you are nothing to me but just another target.