what does it seek to conserve? i expect to be freed in 27 years from my incarceration, the same number of years as mandela, for the same crime. won ’ t your attack result in calls for the removal of gun rights in the new zealand? it will be distasteful, it will be damaging to the soul, but know that it is necessary and any invader you spare, no matter the age, will one day be an enemy your people must face. we must strive to create a nation worthy of our ancestors, that we give our people the very best lives, and nations that are worthy of them. i worked for a short time before making some money investing in bitconnect, then used the money from the investment to travel. did you really expect they would not also lose their rights? the final push was witnessing the state of french cities and towns. be passionate, not placid no profits for anti-whites for too long those who have profited most from the importation of cheap labour have gone unpunished. tatp packages strapped to drones, an efp in a motorcycle saddle bags, convoy ambush rammings with cement trucks. if a an individual is in ownership or control of a corporation or business, and advocates or even accepts the mass importation of non-whites to replace the native european populations, then that traitor must be destroyed.
accept death: as it is as certain as the setting of the sun at evenfall. one can not exist with the other. no, but the next person to attack could be, so a healthy scepticism is a good thing. you will risk, struggle, strive, drive, stumble, fall, crawl, charge and perspire, all in the name of victory. c. what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? attacking these mosques also allowed for an extra planned attack on the mosque in ashburton, whilst i am unsure as of this time of writing whether i will reach that target, it was a bonus objective.
>to survive with our culture, but to lose our lands, to lose our future, is a defeat.