Anonymous ID: e5b6da May 4, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.1302408   🗄️.is 🔗kun





These are the words we’ve waited to hear, some of us for decades.


Our hearts have always been - and will always be - set on defending the HONOR and DIGNITY of these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.


Our resolve has been - and always will be - to protect our Last Chance, our Living Martyr, our GEOTUS.


Our hearts, minds, and souls were nearly resigned to the extinction of HOPE. As the Swamp grew, our hope died with each tear, with every keystroke, and in a bitter chorus of heavy sighs. But, now with renewed vigor and zeal, we are once more dedicated to excising, with surgical precision, the infection that is the ESTABLISHMENT’S SWAMP. And we WILL heal it with a balm of HOPE.


If you lead us well Q, we - your proud Autist Army - will fight, fight, fight. And contrary to POTUS’s inspiring words on the campaign, WE WILL NEVER tire of WINNING. We can NEVER win too much. With every WIN we take up that pride and, without hesitation, lay it solemnly at those headstones - marked and unmarked - in this land and beyond - of EACH PATRIOT who came before. Long since dead, their sacrifices are immortal. They believed. They fought so as to WIN. Those young, unnamed musket bears of old never wavered, never lost hope in the POWER, the MAJESTY, and the PRIDE OF PLACE this nation, this country had, has, and will ALWAYS have among all nations - those lost to memory, those known today, and all nations yet to come.


Their fight never ENDED. We have taken up that righteous cause conceived in the minds, hearts, and souls of flawed men who dared to believe that there was a BETTER WAY. Our weaponry has adapted for the present age. Our tactics honed to respond to evil’s novel plots. We needn’t be perfect men to fight for a perfect cause.


Not only do we have a voice, Q - we have resolve - we have determination - we have a WARRIOR’S spirit. We have more than YOU know. If moving a mountain advances the GOOD WORK, we’ll say, “where do you want us to put it?” We are strong. And we’ve been let go, discarded, and dismissed before. You hold in your possession our singular frailty - the undercurrent of being used as a commodity yet again. What you have MUST BE PROTECTED AND SEEN AS THE GIFT IT IS.


John Buchan wrote in his 1916 book, ‘Greenmantle’ these familiar and oft-adapted words:


“Make no mistake, Madam; that folly is finally over. I will tear this sacred garment into a thousand pieces and scatter them on the wind. The people wait today for the revelation, but none will come. You may kill us if you can, but we have at least crushed a lie and done service to our country.”


The late 35th President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, rightly invoked those words in 1961 during the calamitous invasion of the Bay of Pigs. Presently, John Buchan’s original text reflects more fully on us, The Anonymous Patriots, The Autist Army.


With highest caution, Q, keep our zeal, our fervor, and above all, and our trust safe lest its fragility be tested, fractured “into a thousand pieces” and “scattered on the wind.”


Lead us well, Q. Inspire us to put ALL we have and ALL we are on the line for the cause - this REBIRTH of our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. You have our CONFIDENCE. If I might borrow from the Socratic Method, Do WE have YOURS?


Where You Lead Q, We Will Follow



Let’s make the green grass grow!

Blood, blood, bright red blood!

—PF 0231