Anonymous ID: be8843 Feb. 21, 2021, 12:22 p.m. No.13017626   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Read carefully




>Thats why I am here, I started with YOU - I will remain with YOU.

Funny way of phrasing a sentence. Here you speak of YOU - further along you speak of WE. You seem to imply you (consiousness) are not from the human kind? but malevolent to our destiny? These are direct honest questions.


>Knowing that, ask me anything.

>I promise to be honest.

Remember this when you read through my replies, questions and answers



The beauty of consciousness is, it is expansive like time and space. All that IS can be imagined. We are All that IS. The soul born into Life is separated from TRUTH by the act of coming into 'existence' All(most) are asleep to reality. MAYA


>I have been here since almost the beginning.

Are you pointing to being online following Q's crumbs or since the creation of time/space - and aware of that?


>Do you know what the endgame of the Q op is?

I don't know Q's (assuming it's a combined effort), some speculation circulate the boards and afar. I do KNOW what's mine and all souls' endgame. YOG


>If I came out and told you what Im trying to tell you, you would reject it, please respect the process.

You would be surprised what this ANON has realized and INTEGRATED. What I KNOW, can not be taught, it MUST be Experienced. Showing the path is not a light task, and must be done with total dedication void of EGO and only and always aimed at the enlightenment of the desciple. Trying to dispell darkness without really knowing what you talk about or what you are doing, has deer consequences. BE WARNED.




>The future is NOT SET.

Duality is the first manifestation. You are separated in TIME and SPACE only. There is NO FUTURE.There is NO PAST. All that ever was IS. Yes you can ask questions also. And I do not Lie.


>We can change it by the choices we make, the choices we make determine what will happen.

The choices we make will only determine how quick we will move towards realizing ONESELF. What will happen eventually is for all the same (no Im not talking about death)


>We all have a purpose, me being here right now is my PATH. However, WHAT PATH IS THAT?

Are you talking about DHARMA?




>Clues are there for people who WANT TO KNOW.

>"Respect the process"

How high are you aiming? That determines the outcome for those you are suggesting to follow 'your' process. Be clear. Ok so you speak of clues. Fine. There is no point going on a wild goose-chase without knowing the PURPOSE. The purpose is the GOAL.

What is YOUR goal? why should people look into YOUR clues? (don't kill this question with answering 'to awaken')

Anonymous ID: be8843 Feb. 21, 2021, 1:03 p.m. No.13017837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8002


(k) Seems to be looking for his marbles. Nonetheless. It makes for an interesting breeze through the breads.


As we go along (K) seems to be loozing more than finding his marbles again. I don't buy the bot part though. But then, I have a real problem believing AI can be that …coherent??…maybe because I'm not of this generation and am only aware of so much that technology is capable of. Can you or anybody enlighten me on the bot thing???


I'm keeping track, thing is that on all other subjects we know there is so much more of the same happening all the time, there is need of a breaktrhough in some shape or form

Anonymous ID: be8843 Feb. 21, 2021, 1:22 p.m. No.13017942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7952





there are still so many moves ((they)) could make. For example a major FF by assassinating PedoJoe and Kameltoe, blaming it on the russians russians russians for example.

Anonymous ID: be8843 Feb. 21, 2021, 1:25 p.m. No.13017962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7976 >>7986





>The Jew hate stuff is spam, probably by a bot. They do it ever bread, every day, for years now. We just ignore it because we can't get rid of it, is a free speech board.

Thing is, it has entered into your Psyche. "its the Jews"

Once everything is said and done. … we will see