The Royals love their Greek myths. Everything in our culture is myth. So many crossed wires and mixed messages… truth and fantasy; distortion and reality… Which way is up?
Ganymede was the son of Tros of Dardania, the namesake of "Troy", and of Callirrhoe.
Ganymede was abducted by Zeus from Mount Ida, near Troy in Phrygia. Ganymede had been tending sheep, a rustic or humble pursuit characteristic of a hero's boyhood before his privileged status was revealed. Zeus then abducted him in the form of an eagle.
Zeus is said to have compensated Ganymede's father Tros by the gift of fine horses, "the same that carry the immortals", delivered by Hermes himself. Tros was consoled that his son was now immortal and would be the cupbearer for the gods, a position of much distinction.
In Olympus, Zeus granted him eternal youth and immortality and the office of cupbearer to the gods, supplanting Hebe. All the gods were filled with joy to see the youth, except for Hera, Zeus's consort, who regarded Ganymede as a rival for her husband's affection. Zeus made a constellation of Ganymede named Aquarius.
Ganymede was one of Zeus' only lovers who he granted immortality too. He became the god of homosexual desire and love.