Ride the Waves.
God would like you to know.
While We Head into this Ancient Piece of the Solar system, Beware it's not as bad as it used to be.
The Crossing will Be quite the Spectacle, And God Willing, we Will pass through it Unnoticed.
Things are Beginning to Happen, Things on levels the likes only cave paintings lend answers to. Things that have not happened in the Longest Time.
Remain Clam
Trust God's Plan
Positive Energy is Intensifying
Buckle Up,
The Ride is Just getting warmed up.
Enjoy the Show
Eyes to the Skies, Fireballs, Elves, Sprites, Blue Jets, Aura, Positive Lighting, Magnetosphere pressure may cause Divers places Tremble.
On Going.
Complex Energy Patterns
Week to Remember
What ever the Narrative is when the Event Happens will be Solidified.
Clocks' Tickin' Dudes'
Venus is a Variable Resistor, It's Position will change in the system depending on the Energy levels that need to be balanced.
Ture if big.