Yep. CSS Themes not working, page loads slow, or doesn't load, constant errors when attempting to Post, numerous CAPTCHAS and Photos not loading.
Yep. CSS Themes not working, page loads slow, or doesn't load, constant errors when attempting to Post, numerous CAPTCHAS and Photos not loading.
>Kaspersky fuckery
Do you blame them? Look at all the fuckery [they] are involved in.
>Will more than 100 politicians and/or celebrities be excecuted for crimes against humanity or treason/insurrection within the next 12 months?
That's not even a good start, or a reasonable multiplier. It needs to be many more World wide.
>Last digit of your post will be the answer.
Except for 1, 4, and 7, everything else is either ambiguous, or negative.
Defective 8-Ball.