Yeah, but less people each day rely on them and use online places and word of mouth.
I don't see comms being the biggest issue on our side (I'm not saying it's not one tho).
It's the nothing ever happens to those people that is.
The black pill is becoming the biggest impediment not people lacking awareness.
Well, until the storm happens most will tune out the news and just take a make the best of it approach.
At least that's what I'm seeing in my circle/area.
>But faggy goodguys don't pull the trigger, so we're stuck with mockingbird.
Yep, which makes the black pill the hottest selling item right now.
He does have really good form for a chubby guy.
kek yeah I shouldn't have been so blunt about it
That's always been one of my favorite instrumentals.
But, I'm biased since I used to see them at The Basement back in the day.
It's interesting when people die, give us dirty laundry
>Utah is definitely a compd state.
Yeah, but that stretch of I-70 from I-15 into Colorado is one of the best drives in the world.
Check out Son Volt's Trace if you never have then.
It's by the Jay guy in Uncle Tupelo after they broke up and is a great record.
Deservedly so.
I've heard there are tourists traps for that there, but I can't confirm if they're authentic or not.