A very old idea that never seems to gain traction no matter how you put it.
"You are slaves, people!"
"You mean you don't want to be a slave? Oh my gosh, lol, you're a numbnutz,far right, agitator, terrorist supremacist"
A very old idea that never seems to gain traction no matter how you put it.
"You are slaves, people!"
"You mean you don't want to be a slave? Oh my gosh, lol, you're a numbnutz,far right, agitator, terrorist supremacist"
Ya gotta show' em.
It can always be churned out on these occasions.
Nuclear strike plus planet killing asteroid hit in the way!
But don't worry. Ya gotta show'em.
"But don't worry. We dindu nuffin illegal or anything. Lying ain't illegal if it's for the good of humanity. Nursing home clearances are for the good uh humanity, I reckon."
Sure. We can be frens. But first I gotta show ya what the world might be like if'n we weren't frens.
This guy is aware many people can't attend church….due to deeply fraudulent terrorist exercise Covid Pandemic?
You got a lot of disappointment in your life, fren…..
He did and said just about everything a cliched bad guy would…but did she get any of it on tape?
Credibility rating so far: 4. Out of a 100.
If you can write a book, then you can record someone being nasty. Maybe that's the coup de grace to come when he denies. But for now…. 4.
Who plays Tom Hanks?
"What ya want me to do? That number of old folks wouldn't fit in a car boot!"
Kek. Oh my, it's still sometimes a fun place to be.
You are wrong in your words.
Podesta will protest from Gitmo: "I was never bad enough for Hanks to play me"
Shut the hell up! 500 million Americans died the world over in just Maine alone! You are a lie denier!
The witches of Eastwick reunion?
But maybe the bad 'Catholics' is Jews? How come it always gotta be bad 'Jews'that's Catholic?
There's a biased bias in these chat halls…..
Did Catholics kill every innocent child in a non painted residence and call it justice?
Dem were Catholic Satanists that did that, right?
My question was why didn't God just kill the evil adult Egyptians and leave the innocent kids alone?
I guess my real question is what is the definition of Satanic? Evil? Then what is the definition of Evil?
What did Jesus say about body and blood?
How come they only know now about his scandals?
Evasion. They knew all along but were prepared to blindfold themselves to get rid of their Great Satan Trump.
By far Jesus's best moment. When he was done talking and showed his angry side.
Correct. The right answer.
The Catholic Church Tell you that you are eating flesh and drinking blood. It insists Symbolism is Truth.
So when you are told that, you are absolved from True/real manifestations of Sacrifice or Religiously motivated cannibalism. You say Catholics are meant to really think it body and blood… but you aren't reassured it is merely symbolism.
Now what of the sects of Christianity or other Judeo Biblical referenced religions that see it only as 'symbolism'? Do they have rites that accept the real thing? Real sacrifice? Q seems to refer to a good crop of pseudo religious groups that Do.
People don't understand how revolutionary Jesus was and why so dangerous a figure. He was subtle but clear. He was guiding his followers away from sacrifice (real) and flesh eating (real).
In that context, Catholicism is one of the safer Religions to be part of because they interpret the words of Jesus literally. The others don't…. so potentially still need real sacrifice for stronger spiritual 'medicine'.
To use a pun…. hard to swallow but true ;)