not gonna lie, super pissed. Hanging on but feeling the need to see judges swing.
oh i know, but still its a fucking disgrace and these people need to be fucking sent to God. My question is when will the military do something. It has to be visible, and it has to be soon, otherwise what is the point. This can not drag for years or even months at the rate the pedo in chief is moving.
why does the supreme court need other opinions, thought they were the end all be all. Seems counterintuitive to me. why have them at all.
so would it be interesting if Trumps tax returns say he was a paid government informant? Because i still think that is what he has been hiding, not the finances but one place he was getting paid from.
but the very notion of how does one state go after another state in the courts especially if another state did something illegal. This is all bullshit, and even this amicus thing with the opinions, what does that do, does the court have to take that into consideration fora later decision or is it just dead in the water. either way pissed off.
does not mean he did not receive it Faggot.
cant sauce it was speculation in the first place.the speculation was based on the fact that he tried to hide it for so long. Its not because he was shady, he is clean, which will also be seen, but if he was a witness for something, perhaps that is why it could not be seen, now it no longer matters. Again falls under how do you introduce evidence. as a witness.
well i know you are a nigger. Do i have to sauce that also tyrone.
says the faggot. KYS
i hope you enjoy the yous and can get something nice from the snack machine.