Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.
Fucking sunshine patriots.
Thomas Paine calls them both.
The precipice is over the horizon. We have a ways to go.
The second American Revolution is coming. Nothing can stop it. Do you want more details?
Do you not see it brewing? Are you blind? Do you want me to give names and locations?
No. There will be blood and death and bad times for all. The sunshine patriots and traitors will die.
Yes, more details.
How will it be organized?
Who will lead it?
The brave men
How will you know the enemy from friendly?
Figure it out.
When will it start? How will you know?
There will be no question.
Who will participate?
Details will have to go public. How will that happen?
No clue.
Just for a few. Many more need explained, otherwise it's just talk and wishful thinking.
In the end, two. Patriots and traitors.
If it is all ready over then we have won. If not, we have just begun to fight.
Nigger did I say I was leading it. Are you fucking blind? Do you not see this shit coming?
Fucking fools everywhere.
Traitors will be the ones hanging from ropes.
Try are gain, slower.