Anonymous ID: 1a9f5b Feb. 22, 2021, 2:30 p.m. No.13025766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5783 >>5855 >>5916

Lin Wood

[22.02.21 16:08]

I know many have been waiting on me to comment about the actions (or inaction) by the U.S. Supreme Court today in the 2020 election cases.

I will not mince words, We The People who seek honest elections conducted under the rule of law lost. The enemy won.

Having spoken that truth, the Dissenting Opinion of Justice Clarence Thomas validates and confirms that the lawsuits pursued by Sidney Powell and me were based on legitimate issues of law. All accusations and proceedings seeking to penalize or “discipline” Sidney and me should be terminated as we raised important issues in those case recognized by Justice Thomas. I agree with his Dissent. His rationale in the Pennsylvania is directly on point with my Georgia case and Sidney’s cases in Michigan and Wisconsin.

But this legal battle is not about Sidney and me. It is about you and your right to rely on the rule of law, especially on the bedrock principle that we must have honest and legal elections.

I remain very concerned about the breakdown of the rule of law in our country.

I will not quit. As I have done in the past, so I will continue to do in the future. I will continued to exercise my right of free speech and my right to take lawful actions in courts and/or administrative proceedings to recognize and re-establish the rule of law in America.

Thank you for your support. Stay strong. Keep hope alive.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Lin Wood, [22.02.21 16:22]

I had some productive meetings this weekend with Patriot and my sister in Christ, Monica Matthews. We are traveling in uncharted waters and recognize the need for unity among our fellow citizens who seek to maintain religious freedom, restore honest elections, and maintain our Constitution. We must protect and preserve ALL of our righty, especially our First Amendment rights.

I give Monica a special shout out of thanks as she has worked tirelessly in recent weeks and months, including her willingness to open her Telegram channel for your replies to my messages. The enemy attacks my reply channel so thanks to Monica, I am able to hear from you.

Please keep providing me the benefit of your replies and email messages of support and sending me relevant information. Along with my staff, we are trying to review ALL of your messages and I pray that at some point in the future, I will have a chance to reply to ALL. Thanks for your support, understanding, and patience.

My email is

God bless you.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸

Anonymous ID: 1a9f5b Feb. 22, 2021, 2:37 p.m. No.13025819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5829

Bakes, Kraken wood forwarded this post on telegram and deleted it before I could get a screen shot, looks like Patrick Byrne is bitter no one is buying his bullshit, what a wanker.

Please DO NOT notable this spiteful turd, this is for keks


Patrick M. Byrne, [22.02.21 17:27]

Given how sour ass a number of people were on Friday when I announced the book, I am hesitant to share this here now. But just so you know, in 48 hours the book has hit #18 At Amazon. We will be coming out with a soft cover version after all quite soon. I guess I view this is a big victory: if this stays a best seller, that does a large fraction of our work for us.