Anonymous ID: 64c942 Feb. 22, 2021, 8:17 p.m. No.13028371   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Only those looking back here are not going that way, we build a Future, Not a Failed Yesterday,

Best U.N. Slogan ever: Build Back Better better; are you a Shrill that doesn't understand their enslavement yet?


Glad real anons don't lick the boots.

Anonymous ID: 64c942 Feb. 22, 2021, 9:15 p.m. No.13028618   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Navy says ‘liking’ or sharing extremists’ posts on social media can get you in trouble

>Sailors engaging with an offensive post regarding white supremacism on social media could themselves be viewed as contributing to extremism in the service, according to Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Adm. John Nowell Jr.

> “Just by posting, retweeting, or liking an offensive post on social media — you could be participating in extremism,” Nowell said in a new video shared on Facebook.

>“You may not personally know any shipmates with extremist beliefs,” Nowell said. “But I assure you that those forces of darkness are among us.”


>Slippery slope



The [DS] & allies are truly pushing for a civil war; Look again at the vetting of the NG in D.C. and you don't think all Service members now everywhere are not totally pissed? Let us not mention for a moment all the Vets too.


They are pushing it hard, but I am pretty sure all those kids that came in under 45 or the conservative and liberation majority Veterans are standing ready atRED HOLD.


Just about every pissed Vet with a brain I am sure are setup to enact individual contingency plans, if they are awake.


It's why the MAGA, Oathkeepers, and others that try to incite here, or even shrill seem oblivions that no matter what, we have mission: Awaken all, bring in and do our best getting out the Truths that we can find, valid, real and devastating to our Opponents every day.


They Fear the Truth, We Embrace it and drive it home.