Ducks change their minds. Black people are hysterical. White people invent new ways to experience snow.
Texans apparently don't realize ice is mostly invisible.
>steps outside carefully looks around
>sees nothing
>slides to doom.
Ice is still invisible.
mouse eats frozen snake….frog discovers ice hopping….man takes whole forest into garage….black people still hysterical.
Black woman mad cause people laughin' at texas, (she turned off the water damnit) black couple wander helplessly through frozen house… ballet…and white Oklahoman goes for a swim while black guy discovers holes.
"vandal" breaks into unused water pump and allowed arsenic into the water… San Antonio, Canyon Lake.
Sand Branch, a small black town outside Dallas has never had running water. Now their wells are contaminated (wonder how that happened?) and they're being forced off their land.
>ACB's adoptions are in question.
Like Robert's? I wondered…also they were shilling the fuck out of her for SCOTUS when Trump picked Kavanaugh….then they Brrrrr rabbited Kavanaugh so we'd think they didn't want him. We got hit HARD all over again shilling how great ACB was, how conservative, Catholic, she'd end abortion….and I FUCKING KNEW it.
THIS is the shit blacks SHOULD riot over…not criminals. FuckinA also parent's fault for not teaching him how to engage with cops…even fuckheads….like Karen Kop.
In China the poor eat rats. :(
Check this one out…Chinese racist cops move INTO Ghanian's apartment (and apparently shit all over his bathroom)…..
In racist China Ghanian man is turned away from 4 hospitals and dies on the way to the 5th. Ghanian man makes video about the incident. Chinese police try to force him to take it down. Then they forcefully deport him.
Great video about the reality of racism in China.
Vaccine study email drops, /pol/ thread. I'm not DL them I already know the vaccines are shite.
There're on this thread. pic related is summarized rundown.