And you believe that report why?
FUCKINA you can't play gotcha with me. I was warning people about John of God 10 fucking years ago.
The only name on your list I have an issue with is Kappy. He was raised up with this shit, he 10/10 took the Hamsa video himself and his gather owned a ranch right near Zorro where MOST if not all of the worst shit happened…you know how I know that?
never ever mentioned
slid into tunnels and OMERG the island each time you do.
At NO point have I ever fucking said there are no fucking pedos. BUT OMERG everything is pedo is a fucking SLIDE.
Why did lying Virginia STFU about Dershowitz? Who was she trying to "pressure" by insinuating he was a pedo?
You people don't have much mental computing power. It's OMERG but the CHIIIILLLLDREEEEN. They're making fools of all of you.
I can fucking guarantee you there are MORE pedos (and worse) among we the people than there are among the elite…and yet I have not once, not ever seen any post here….outing their pedo uncle ….EVER…every single fucking holiday every single poster on here keeps their mouth SHUT over this or that creepy relative.
So, maybe the LOG in your OWN eyes is more relevant than the splinter in the elite. The only differences between the evil is they get away with it more. PERIOD.
Do you think it was an "elite" posting KP on here? FUCKINA….your cute list tho.
Epstein is not dead…and who tf even knows who he is……srsly you lot think you're so damn smart….and you're missing 90% of the story.
Wayfair was about money laundering…but once the jewpervisors on /pol/ realized we were getting too hot, they fucking swerved it to OMERG shipping CHELLLLDREN….and you FUCKING OMERG the CHIIIILDREEESN completely drowned out our investigation.
Everyone has a poison. Blackmail works on feeding it to you. I know it's hard to believe but not everyone is a pedo.
Wait—were you part of the "ellen/oprah/hanks" sekrit arrests and OMERG Pappy Bush and McStain were executed in sekrit crowd?
FUCK you people….NPfuckingCs.