Just go to one team per sport, i.e basketball, rather than a boy's basketball and girl's basketball team. JV and varsity. All compete for spots on that one team. Like that in the pro's. There's no woman or transgender ban, it's just that those demographics aren't good enough.
Have to force all others in club sports. Not sure if clubs can legally limit entry based on sex, but it removes the incentive to "win a state championship", for example.
Transgender bullshit is just the same old/same old of loser's confusing equal opportunity with equal outcome. Can't come to grips with the fact they suck at that sport compared to other males.
No different on other levels, e.g., dumb persons in government positions. Elites just using dumb fuck proleteriats as their to eliminate the competition from competent bourgeois. The competent bourgeois know how fucked up the elites are and how to fix it. See kulaks for an example.
Competent Americans, left to their own devices, can find a remedy/work around for anything the dumb elites in government can fuck up. Elites can't have that.