as for me, my time has come. yes, and to plead not guilty.the attack was a partisan action against a occupying force, and i am a lawful, uniformed combatant. don ’ t believe me, can anymore tell you the motivation of the madrid train bomber attackers? it depends on who those workers are, their intents, who currently owns the means of production, their intents and who currently owns the state, and its intents. meanwhile the “ diverse ” nations across the world are scenes of endless social, political, religious and ethnic conflict. as i sat there in the parking lot, in my rental car, i watched a stream of the invaders walk through the shopping centre ’ s front doors. a finger on the hand of the body of europe. were/are you a christian? why not me? not a thing has been conserved other than corporate profits and the the ever increasing wealth of the 1 % that exploit the people for their own benefit. it is not just a matter of our prosperity, but the very survival of our people.
no.a jew living in israel is no enemy of mine, so long as they do not seek to subvert or harm my people. giving your own earned wealth, which you received through your own labour, to a person or group that despises you, places laws into effect that disenfranchises your people and seeks to ethnically replace you is utterly foolish. as for how the public perceives us? no, i simply do not care all that much what gay people long as they are loyal to their people and place their peoples well being first, then i have no issues. as a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? drug use at all levels of society, in all age groups, any source of distraction or relief to escape a culture of nihilism.