depending on the definition. where there is a will, there is a way. said throughout the media, spoken by politicians, educators and celebrities. to take revenge for ebba akerlund. whether it takes ten years or a thousands years, whilst we are facing birth rates at sub-replacement levels, then our people are dying. the people speaking now, acting now, fighting now, are the vanguard of the vanguard of the force of the people.
don ’ t run from the fight, run towards the fight. so these young men and women see this suicidal nihilism and isolate themselves from this mainstream, “ multicultural ”, egalitarian, individualistic insanity and look for allies anywhere they can find them, in the flesh or online. islamic nations in particular have high birth rates, regardless of race or ethnicity, and in this there was an anti-islamic motivation to the attacks, as well as a want for revenge against islam for the 1300 years of war and devastation that it has brought upon the people of the west and other peoples of the world. a a one-point-seven percentage point difference may mean something to a few, but a ingeniously worded expression or brilliantly crafted poster will convince the many. in time, the truth will be revealed. victors write the history and the writers of history control the cultural climate of the present time.