Anonymous ID: d98f0c March 5, 2021, 12:49 p.m. No.13124209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

sitting at home comfortable, relaxed, posting on the internet, watching football and waiting for victory to arrive at your feet, will win you nothing. one can not exist with the other. the gun owners of new zealand are a beaten, miserable bunch of baby boomers, who have long since given up the fight.when was the last time they won increased rights? there was a period of time 2 years prior to the attack to the attack that dramatically changed my views.the period of time was from, beginning of april,2017 until the end may,2017. sure. as by this time the invaders and occupiers of lands, non-europeans, numbers will swollen to a staggering size, due to both mass immigration and the differing birthrates between the native european people and these invaders. the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. though wise men at their end know dark is right, because their words had forked no lightning they do not go gentle into that good night. any method that gives these traitors their sure reward is viable and should be encouraged. the more diverse a group becomes, the less equal it becomes. was there a particular event or reason you decided to commit to a violent attack?


though wise men at their end know dark is right, because their words had forked no lightning they do not go gentle into that good night. better for you to face them now then your kin to face them in the future. look to the heart of the conflict, march yourself there, press yourself into service. above all, just don ’ t be stale, placid and boring. all i know is the certainty of my will and the necessity of my cause. from where did you receive/research/develop your beliefs?

Anonymous ID: d98f0c March 5, 2021, 12:52 p.m. No.13124847   🗄️.is 🔗kun

europe is only europe because of its combined genetic, cultural and linguistic heritage. inaction will lead to sure defeat. but do not pay taxes to anti-whites. as for me, my time has come. why do you believe you will be released from prison? this crisis of mass immigration and sub-replacement fertility is an assault on the european people that, if not combated, will ultimately result in the complete racial and cultural replacement of the european people. without a single shot fired in response? the people who are to blame most are ourselves, european men. all else is dishonorable. the attack was planned to allow enough time to train, form a plan, settle my affairs, write down my views, then enact the attack. over a great deal of time, from a great deal of places.


grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay, rage, rage against the dying of the light. more recently i have been working part time as a kebab removalist. but do not pay taxes to anti-whites. for how long did you plan this attack? the europe of the future is not one of concrete and steel, smog and wires but a place of forests, lakes, mountains and meadows. these leaders will be paragon examples of your people, virtuous, incorruptible, speaking truth to power and a truth that resonates with your very soul.

>i did not attend university as i had no great interest in anything offered in the universities to study.

Anonymous ID: d98f0c March 6, 2021, 1:19 a.m. No.13159978   🗄️.is 🔗kun

i am sure the journalists will love that. do not fret on the manner of how victory is achieved, all methods are possible, in the face of ethnic genocide, all morality is ambiguous. any religious ideal that stood between the wealthy and wealth generation was downplayed, sidelined and quietly dismantled. few parents, regardless of circumstance, will willing risk the lives of their children, no matter the economic incentives. the invaders are the ones over populating the world. i am sure the journalists will love that. they are no innocents in an invasion, all those who colonize other peoples lands share guilt. who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people. not yet! to take revenge for the thousands of european lives lost to terror attacks throughout european lands. who would willing leave their own strong, dominant and rising culture to join an elderly, decaying, degenerate culture?


were there other targets planned in your attack? stop running, start fighting emotions rule over facts stop trying to persuade the general population with statistics, charts, tablets and figures. were/are you a neo-nazi? let our lives be stronger than death to fight against the enemies of the christian people. ” ask yourself, what would pope urban ii do? you are not. you can not expect others do take the risks for you, nor should you wish for others to labour for you, if you are unwilling.

>in every country, on every continent, those that are in the minority are oppressed.