Anonymous ID: 5b9bf6 Feb. 24, 2021, 11:52 p.m. No.13043894   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Icelandic Jew Roundtable—planning / discussing what to do with….


These people are fucking evil. How is it possible to rid the world of their rule? Wooden gas chamber doors and lice killer didn't do the job..(no jewtube link for this one tho, there's lots they don't want you to know about their plans for you.)



>Sorry Comms Karen

Women have killed the world, our kitchen and chopped the dicks of their sons. Komms Karen…you spelled it wrong. Granny Tits has been making us puke since 2017.

Anonymous ID: 5b9bf6 Feb. 25, 2021, 12:05 a.m. No.13043934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3946


Sarah Kellan is WAY more than an ex "employee". She changed her name to Kensington and slid on into the palace with Markle. Look at her carefully. Look at Mark Epstein…




Wonder what happened to the heir to the throne? CRICKETS.

Anonymous ID: 5b9bf6 Feb. 25, 2021, 12:07 a.m. No.13043940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13043672 (pb)


I see the agents of bullshit are starting the Alzheimer's excuse on here, and elsewhere. You fuckers need to DIAF. It's not fucking Alzheimer,s and thanks assholes for doing EXACTLY what I said you'd do….get in with Joe, and slide Joe on out so KneePads could be president. FUCKINA why the hell do people fall for this shit. And now you're prepping the pan. Just like you did with ACB and Kavanaugh.


FUCK YOU. NOPE…they elected Joe…what he's suddenly got mental health issues? FUCK YOU.


There will be an uptick in these posts here…smoothing the way for the slide that was planned all along and you idiots will cheer.


I TOLD you Joe would be lucky if he survived through February in office…..natural causes….of course. I realize a right wing terror assassination would give better soundbites but it's so damn messy. He doesn't fucking have Alzheimer's. He's got a damn parasite and HE has been 99.99% replaced.


RVANON….and fuck you.

Anonymous ID: 5b9bf6 Feb. 25, 2021, 12:15 a.m. No.13043963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3974 >>4015 >>4024


>Qanon is supposedly obsessed with March 4th?

Some fucking (((retard))) decided that DC Trump Tower weekend rates for the 4th of March (versus any other weekend rate….which naturally they neglected to post) means something is happening March 4th ….it's the fucking Chink/jewjitsju fuckers datefagging to mentally fuck with the weak….you know the idiots posting OMERG the CHIILLLLDREEEN on every fucking jewtube video and salivating over fake shit like "they're rescuing children from tunnels under the white house…because Trump lived there four 4 years and just tossed them a cookie now and then.


The level of NPC on both sides is a level never before thought possible. Imagine believing Wayne "professional insider" Willott, Simon, (I fuck cat aliens) Parkes, Charlie (I saw the inauguration on EU tv hours before it aired in US but neglects to take so much as a screenshot) Ward, or Corey (big arrest soon) Goode, or any one else left on jewtube.


FACT if they're still on JEWtube they are kike approved agents of misinformation.



Anonymous ID: 5b9bf6 Feb. 25, 2021, 12:25 a.m. No.13043981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3990


They're making a YUGE mistake (pun intended) letting the BBC stay in Israel. Their women are notorious whores (which is why Jew descent is matrilineal). Post Jewesses loving the BBC.