Its just attention seekers. The lonely getting some attention!
3+ years into this and fuck boy is still namefagging?
AHAHAHA Gotta love attention seekers!
55 posts and all this motherfucker has is " Pence was paid to destroy Trump"
No shit sherlock!
You have anymore astute observations Capn Obvious?
You lie, you're a loner who is struggling for strange attention at 5 am cst!
Change my mind pussboy!
Oh look its Shit talk sub contractor!
You know you can stop embarrassing your Mother anytime now kid!
These new fags replying to themselves.
Red text warrior replying to itself!
Who the fuck dropped off the Shortbus crowd?
You three know who you are, ahahaha!
Yet that is exactly why 100,000$ in 1970 is the same as 1 million now roughly!
You might wanna review your logic!
Your entire logic train is built on "if's".
Guess what kid, not one single god damn thing is cheaper now then in 1970 so thanks for proving my point fucktard!
That $3500 GTO is now $50,000 but inflation doesn't exist cause that dollar is still worth one dollar right?
Lets look at it like this.
1970 a gallon of milk roughly $2
1970 a loaf of bread roughly $1 or less.
Look at the prices today. ITs the same milk, the same bread at 4 times the price of 1970.
Thats text book inflation!
The GTO has more to it and you can justify a certain price increase for the product being more costly.
The Milk Bread and eggs are the same!
So you're saying a $4 gallon of milk in 2021 compared to a $2 or less gallon of milk in 1970 isn't due to inflation of a fucking fiat currency?
The green text is from early 2018 infinity chan!
I don't recall the specific reason why but that was the change!
THere was a crazy lady on GLP in the mid 00's that shit out some globs and kept them in a jar and claimed they were living for like weeks on GLP with updates.
It was funny as hell, people were in desperation mode trying to get crazy lady some help.