The Gay were clearly in charge of this "place" yesterday.
Which means they probably still are, fucking pedo shills that they are.
inflation has been out of control for most of the past 30 years.
why fuss about it now?
think 1981. Massive redistribution again. Middle Class is gone. Coming for the merely rich now.
and how anon predicted it ten fucking years ago
joohaters begin hell early
>Check the redefinition of CPI & PPI periodicity.
~~GNP~~ GDP because muh nations are bad.
a very cogent argument, anon.
sadly, anon finds that he remains unpersuaded by its subtle genius.
Love you Lin (no homo) but have you looked around lately?
everything mockingbird "releases" lays the groundwork for its next advance against America.
hang that fucking nigger and never mention his name in public again