If you're going to covertly fly Delta operators somewhere, that's how you do it. There's usually a second one stuffed with sensor and comms equipment to support them.
Failure to enforce standards and norms of chan culture by lazy and complacent oldfags is how a board gets to this absolute state. When a glowing newfag utters such a thing, the correct action is to dog-pile them with derision, sarcasm and incitement to live-streamed suicide. Only then will the equilibrium be restored and general entropy can proceed unabated.
Hit that like and subscribe button and don't forget to leave a comment.
You have to admit he's been a spectacular success at failing upward though.
What kind of drugs are you on anon?
>Be me
>See newfag totally botch an attempt at a greentext story
>Kek quietly and go on with my day
Evil trips chek't
You're really bad at this aren't you? You've earned my pity.
Quads chek't