>Failure of our CDC to recommend early use of cheap, effective, safe therapeutics constitutes criminal negligence: “Scabies drug could cut Covid deaths by up to 75%….”
Cannabis also VERY effective for those who know how to properly use and respect the plant.
Have not gotten sick from cold or flu in over 20 years of responsible use. It is based on FACTUAL information, including but not exclusive to the body's immune system and other natural functions and design.
These mother fuckers need to be put against the mother fucking wall for what they have done, and have made explicitly clear that they continue to do.
Not even going to get into it in any detail, but the prohibition of cannabis was about as unconstitutional a law that may ever have passed. Multiple DIRECT violations of the First Amendment, which led to MULTIPLE violations of additional Amendments, and an insane amount of abuse that was carried out by CRIMINAL mother fucking piece of fucking shitty shit governments
Still being cruel and unusually punished in DIRECT violation of the Eighth Amendment