11 March 2021
Yes, most definitely.
Gregorian Calendar ?
On a day with a 30°F High ?
Hey, Bud, what ya want for your last meal ?
I prefer Bidet !
When they say lerq moar,
you should then make use of QResear.ch
to find out how you erred !
A search of [Bidan] yeilds as the
earliest date of usage July 7, 2019
#22007 at 2019-07-20 23:58:07 (UTC+1)
QRB General #28: COBOL & Bunker Still Operational Edition
You can call that the "white guilt" vote.
Bidan gets some blacks, demographically, because Obozo "trusted" him. He gets a lot of the white vote because he's "experienced", older and Obozo "trusted" him.
As is frequently said: Learn Our COMMS !
>>13049160 *yields