Anonymous ID: 3863c1 Feb. 26, 2021, 1:14 a.m. No.13051182   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't worry, I have it on very good authority from some ebony gentlemen who were sharing a beverage in their car at 7/11, and I overheard them say they were part of a group called the MAGA Patriots and were gonna make everything right, and America would be whole again.


Those MAGA Patriots fellows sound swell, I sure hope to meet them some day.

Anonymous ID: 3863c1 Feb. 26, 2021, 1:38 a.m. No.13051272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Since we can be anything we want I have realized I've always been a trans-albino treefrog-kin and ask you all to check your non-webbed-toe priveleges. My pronouns are Frogger, Mr. Hops-A-Lot and Tadpole.


Literally everything is.

Anonymous ID: 3863c1 Feb. 26, 2021, 1:47 a.m. No.13051294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1299 >>1324 >>1426


If you seriously thought it ever truly began, you weren't paying attention.


Look, go do an internet search for "milotary propaganda techniques". Q performed almost every single one of them on us. I pointed this out years ago, no one cared. In the military (I served) they taught us: demonize the opposition (if your population is superstitious, convince them the "enemy" are literal demons in human form, if possible), convince the population God is on your side, claim utmost authority and morality, etc. Go look. Seriously. Line by line it's all there and people here ate it up AND REFUSED to EVEN CONSIDER THAT MAYBE they were being propagandized. No, no, too smart for that.




So yeah, research, whatever. Q said jump and anon said how high. Q said look at Hillary's ring, we did that for two days.


We were dumb. We are dumb. A few of us admit it. Most left, some quietly, others not. Shit happens. Live and learn. Most that are still here mostly can't learn, and never did any actual research.


Truth sucks but will eventually set you free if you pursue it with sincerity.

Anonymous ID: 3863c1 Feb. 26, 2021, 2:04 a.m. No.13051377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1382 >>1486


>Every living soul knows there is something very very wrong with the world.

If you see it all as pure, the judgements melt away, as you know very well already, but very few can use that method without falling into moral issues, so morality must be built up first, and a bit of discipline and renunciation.

>this illusion people call reality.

You may be dangerously close to realizing those souls are also illusory. Do you really want to go all the way if even those markers of "is-ness" and "being-ness" disappear?

Anonymous ID: 3863c1 Feb. 26, 2021, 2:28 a.m. No.13051477   🗄️.is 🔗kun


An awful lot of bored, stupid and/or mentally ill people online, man. Entire websites like Kiwi Farms devoted to tracking and quietly ruining the lives of people they don't know because they're bored and they think it's funny. Something Awful. Encyclopedia Dramatica. /cow/. Tons of these communities devoted to being shitheads online. They aren't all, or even mostly, CIA. They just think you're stupid and hate you. It isn't even personal, you just exist, this site just exists.

Plus, anyone pro-Jewish has legitimate reason to want to disrupt this place and everywhere like it, for obvious reasons.

Anonymous ID: 3863c1 Feb. 26, 2021, 2:35 a.m. No.13051504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1532


Bro if you truly think anything like love exists except as a thought or emotion, or that it is waiting for you in a place that is be definition void, you might be playing a game with yourself. There's no one to be compassionate to at that point. It does feel good, but that's due to all feelings of suffering vanishing along with the body.

I did not use compassion to take the journey the first time, the second time, by accident I did. If you can reach bliss, you can turn and go within. Compassion is just one vehicle. Weird to say that, considering that I use it now, but still, only a vehicle. A mutually pleasant one.

Anonymous ID: 3863c1 Feb. 26, 2021, 2:54 a.m. No.13051568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1577


If one gets lost in narratives it seems the illusions "win".


Today, nothing happened, except visions stretching out over the void, tempting "me" to identify with a body through the lure of imaginary desires that have apparently formed into solid-looking objects that I experience as seperate from me, and thus capable of being flawed or perfect or whatever else.

As far as I can tell, nothing else is happening.

As far as I can tell, nothing else has ever happened.

Since it is like this, I can relax, now, in contentment, as nirvana is right where we are, right now, once we let go of all the desires that impede us from experiencing it here and now, which is to say, nowhere and nowhen.

If there is a "further" point than that, I do not consciously remember seeing it at the moment, but I'm open to anything, because we have to be.