Old Joe taking muff diving to new levels
Wings for the frogs, so they won't bump their asses
Lesson here. Never confront an Anon with a honest question.
That is Paul McCarthy on the right.
Hit them with honest Truths and watch them really freak out
Like I said Paul McCartney on the right
Like I said "Watch them really freak out" excuses excuses excuses. That's all you guys got
This is the picture I'm talking about…. of course you knew that. Shove your head back up your ass. Trump will be back in March. Remember? talk about your asshats, Anons are number one asshats
Mask let us know who the sheep are. You know like a scarlet letter, don't discourage it.
The Canaanites joined the Levites as scribes. Then later the lazy priest let them pretend to be priest.
Then they were in position to kill Jesus.
Now you're confusing Jews with Catholics.
I read the Bible. It says Sabbath is on the 7th day of the week.
The Pope declare the Sabbath was the 1st day of the week and all the sister religions of the Pope agreed.
Therefore Christians don't know shit either.
I just made it simple, That's my talent
I believe parts of the Bible that agree with the earliest scrolls. I do not believe the Bible in its entirety as it is written today.
Q was a fat overweight bald guy living in his mother's basement.
Not a bad scam for basement dwelling retard.
Q was the truth, just ask him.
Tired of all this ear bullshit.
How to make nice bewbs better
Blacks don't swat flies off their balls in Africa.
Flies keep their balls clean in Africa
Rods from God?
Fact of fiction?
Q's plan just wasn't big enough to cover Trump's Ego.
I wouldn't say Q was wrong about everything.
He didn't get anything Right.
Good to know US military helping other countries.
While they watch, with thumbs up ass.
US elections get stolen.
STDs the gift of choice in the Biden household.
Hunter Biden learned about erections playing with his dad's leg hair in the pool.
Cuomo's daughter turned down Bill Clinton, so under the bus he goes.
If Q shit in the woods and Biden wasn't there to shiff it. Would it stink?