is it about jews?
lesson here for newfags
dont tell anons the obvious.
the obvious IS the joke
heres obama with his real dad
we are ANONS the worlds greatest knowledge base and you think you have to prove thats Paul McCartney to us
ITS A FUCKIN JOKE that you didnt get
do they make the mole children tend the jar babies in the tunnels under the whitehouse?
yes stanley was the original paul but she was killed in a car accident and replaced by Faul
there is info on the webz about this
no, newfags thinking they are the smartest guy in the room is frowned upon. some dont think before they speak
free thought basted in sauce is sought after
this is so obviously NOT Potus.
Why do we think Dan posted these pics?
they religion argument team is just a shill op that the CCP has pulled here for the past 3 years
>INfamous for killing her PARENTS with an axe
should be infamous for being accused & aquitted of killing her parents.
( because, sloppy speak )
anyone wanna do an R slide with me?
eyes are the only part of our bodies that dont grow and are full size at birth
well just by that statement i know youre a shill or nutz
moar proof youre a leftie on meds
know lots of vets including myself
met a lot of nutz in my life too
thats why my original question was SECTION 8?
because poster aint an honorable vet
yes, they are the same, look how they both make a Y inside top
>fake rods are real
yes, and the ear is just the clincher.
the face and it being in DJTs video along with all the other peripheral clues. I never believed till this and I admit I helped chase dixie doodle and all the other R shills out for 3 years but now i'm a belieber
what kind of nut would do that?
i dont but isnt the name on the pic in OP?
lol- cool, i knew i capped it that way so i could always find it again
not a newfag, dont bite bait
But you are right, it WAS over before the 2016 election
(You) just dont realize (You) lost yet
yep, we still got it easier than all the patriots before us
no matter what anyone says anons know digital soldiers grew the great awakening by millions over the last 3 years. and anyone who has been doing this since Ron Paul in 2007 (The Original MySpace meme Wars) knows this time its really habbening.
Nothing can stop whats coming because we outnumber them by a lot