Boot Licking Fascist Q Traitors Pretend There Is A “Plan” As Patriots Around The Country Are Being Rounded Up By FBI
Boot Licking Fascist Q Traitors Pretend There Is A “Plan” As Patriots Around The Country Are Being Rounded Up By FBI
The trap was set for patriots.
Think mirror.
Anyone notice that free thought is frowned upon in this shithole board?
I’ve never been so disgusted in myself for believing this shit. I come here each day with that small flicker of hope. Fake hope.
Like a madman repeating the same shit and expecting a different result.
God hates me. Coward’s way? I never understood that. Takes courage.
God hates me. God fucking hates me. I ain’t going to re-education prison. Too old for that shit. I always thought there would be a fight. Fuck!
I wonder what it’s like to be dead. I just want peace. I’m afraid. What kind of sick god invents hell? No escape. Fuck!
I’m not even a real man.
She will be fine. People forget over time.
I love you honey. So much.