Anonymous ID: 5b5c61 May 4, 2018, 10:54 p.m. No.1305753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5810 >>5988 >>6224 >>6258

BOOM! Dirty Cop Mueller Seeks Delay in Junk Russia Bot Case After Indicted Company Calls His Bluff


It’s been a rough day for Dirty Cop Robert Mueller.


First a federal judge browbeat the liberal Mueller team in court.

Judge T.S. Ellis lost his temper Friday and accused Mueller’s prosecutors of using the case against Trump’s former campaign chairman to oust the President.


Mueller has TWO WEEKS to hand over unredacted documents to the Ellis – the Senior United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.


Now this…

Robert Mueller’s team is seeking a delay in the first court hearing in a criminal case against one of the companies charged in Mueller’s Russian bot investigation.


The company is requesting documents from the Mueller witch hunt team and now they’re balking.

They never expected one of the alleged Russian bot companies to call their bluff.


Robert Mueller is a national disgrace and will go down as a national disgrace.


Politico reported:


Prosecutors from special counsel Robert Mueller’s office are seeking to delay the first court hearing in a criminal case charging three Russian companies and 13 Russian citizens with using social media and other means to foment strife among Americans in advance of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.


The 13 people charged in the high-profile indictment in February are considered unlikely to ever appear in a U.S. court. The three businesses accused of facilitating the alleged Russian troll farm operation — the Internet Research Agency, Concord Management and Consulting, and Concord Catering — were also expected to simply ignore the American criminal proceedings.


Last month, however, a pair of Washington-area lawyers suddenly surfaced in the case, notifying the court that they represent Concord Management. POLITICO reported at the time that the move appeared to be a bid to force Mueller’s team to turn over relevant evidence to the Russian firm and perhaps even to bait prosecutors into an embarrassing dismissal in order to avoid disclosing sensitive information.


On Friday, Mueller’s prosecutors disclosed that Concord’s attorneys, Eric Dubelier and Kate Seikaly, had made a slew of discovery requests demanding nonpublic details about the case and the investigation. Prosecutors also asked a judge to postpone the formal arraignment of Concord Management set for next week.


The prosecution team sought the delay on the grounds that it’s unclear whether Concord Management formally accepted the court summons related to the case. Mueller’s prosecutors also revealed that they tried to deliver the summonses for Concord and IRA through the Russian government, without success.

Anonymous ID: 5b5c61 May 4, 2018, 11:01 p.m. No.1305801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5820 >>5988

Their plan rolls on!


Facebook Co-Founder Wants To Slap $3 Trillion Tax On Rich To Pay For Universal Basic Income


acebook co-founder Chris Hughes wants to tax anyone who makes over $250,000 to the tune of nearly $3 trillion over ten years, then use the proceeds to provide universal basic income (UBI) to every working American who makes under $50,000 a year, including those providing services such as child care and elder care.


Hughes, 34, now devotes his time to evangelizing for higher taxes on the rich, such as himself. He's proposing that the government give a guaranteed income of $500 a month to every working American earning less than $50,000 a year, at a total cost of $290 billion a year. This is a staggering number, but Hughes points out that it equals half the U.S. defense budget and would combat the inequality that he argues is destabilizing the nation. -Bloomberg


Hughes, who has a related book coming out, has made tackling income inequality his top priority by partnering with the Economic Security Project - a major recipient of his philanthropic efforts. The group is focused finding solutions to provide "unconditional cash and basic income" in the United States due to the effects of "automation, globalization, and financialization" forcing the discussion.


The plan would essentially be an expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for low-to-moderate income individuals and families.


The Economic Security Project is a network committed to advancing the debate on unconditional cash and basic income in the United States. In a time of immense wealth, no one should live in poverty, nor should the middle class be consigned to a future of permanent stagnation or anxiety. Automation, globalization, and financialization are changing the nature of work, and these shifts require us to rethink how to create economic opportunity for all. -Economic Security Project


While Hughes notes that the annual $290 billion annual price tag is half the U.S. defense budget, he contends that income inequality is destabilizing the nation - and that there is a "very practical concern that, given that consumer spending is the biggest driver of economic growth in the United States and that median household incomes haven't meaningfully budged in 40 years," a Universal Basic Income is vital to maintaining economic national security.


"Cash is just the simplest and most efficient thing to eradicate poverty and stabilize the middle class," Hughs told Bloomberg at the Economic Security Project's New York offices at Union Square.


There are many ways to pay for a guaranteed income. However, I do think that the resources can and should come from the people who most benefited from the structure of the economy. We had tax rates at 50 percent for several decades after [World War II]. In the same period, we had record economic growth and broad-based prosperity. I’m not making the case, in the book and in general, that we just need higher taxes. It matters what our tax dollars are going to. Cash is just the simplest and most efficient thing to eradicate poverty and stabilize the middle class. -Bloomberg

Anonymous ID: 5b5c61 May 5, 2018, 12:08 a.m. No.1306160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6162 >>6172

'Pandora's Box': Macron Warns US Exit From Iran Nuclear Deal Might Mean War


A May 12 deadline is looming for US President Donald Trump to decide whether to scrap an internationally-brokered nuclear deal with Iran and re-impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic.


A potential US withdrawal from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal is fraught with the most negative scenarios and is hardly something to look forward to, French President Emmanuel Macron told the German weekly newsmagazine Der Spiegel.


“This means that we would open Pandora’s Box, which is tantamount to war. I don’t think [US President] Donald Trump wants war,” Macron said in an interview which appeared in Friday’s issue of the magazine.


During his visit to Washington last month President Macron tried to dissuade Donald Trump from walking away from the Iran nuclear agreement.


Even though Trump has threatened to quit the 2015 accord, he still said that he might go along with a European proposal to broker an add-on deal to cover Washington’s concerns about the agreement.


READ MORE: Macron Tells US France Committed to Iran Nuclear Deal, Syria Political Solution


Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized the Iran nuclear deal warning that it may not prevent Tehran from developing a nuclear weapon.


French President Emmanuel Macron, right, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel take a break on a balcony of Merkel's office after a meeting in the chancellery in Berlin, Germany, Thursday, April 19, 2018


In an exclusive interview with the BBC on Thursday, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned that if Washington walks away from the nuclear deal with Iran, there is a real risk of war.


The Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA,) signed by Tehran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – the US, France, Britain, Russia and China – plus Germany on July 14, 2015, imposes strict restrictions on Iran's nuclear program in return for the loosening of economic sanctions.

Anonymous ID: 5b5c61 May 5, 2018, 12:22 a.m. No.1306216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6228

Yemen’s Houthis See Ballistic Missiles as Last Hope to Deter Saudi Agression


by Ahmed Abdulkareem and Randi Nord; Originally appeared on


Saudi Arabia’s bloody war on Yemen has killed and injured over 600,000 civilians, including more than a quarter of a million children, since it’s onset in March 2015, and it shows no signs of letting up. On April 2, Saudi warplanes targeted a refugee camp in Yemen’s Hodeidah province, leaving piles of dead children in its wake. Fourteen people were killed in the attack, including seven children and three women. On Sunday, April 9, Saudi warplanes launched a series of air raids on a farm in Taiz, killing a family of 12. And few Yemenis could forget October 2016, when Riyadh targeted a funeral in the capital city of Sana’a, killing over 160 and injuring 600. Funerals, weddings, markets, and other large gatherings are routine targets for airstrikes, along with cemeteries, mosques, and archaeological and cultural sites, including the ancient Marib Dam and a number of museums.


It is in this context that, following three years of war, Yemen’s Houthi military leadership announced a new wave of retaliation for the ongoing Saudi-led coalition’s campaign against the country.


Despite the odds against it, Yemen’s military has given no indication it plans to cede to Saudi pressure. It began this week with a campaign of retaliatory strikes against the Gulf Kingdom and its allies, using unmanned drones and a barrage of domestically produced long-range ballistic missiles to hit vital facilities in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


The strikes are the latest evidence of a long-running effort to shore up domestic military capability, including missile production, since Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and their Western backers began their assault in March of 2015


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