WTF, did not know urine in a microwave is explosive, KEK
Woman is cited for destroying a 7-Eleven microwave by heating up URINE until it exploded
Angelique Sanchez, 26, was found at the Concentra Health Clinic just a half-mile north of the 7-Eleven that she was said to have visited in Aurora, Colorado
Urine drug screenings require samples to stay at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit
But placing the urine in the microwave would cause it to overheat and be ruined
A sales clerk heard a 'loud bang' after Sanchez placed what looked like a urine sample in the store's microwave
The sales woman noticed 'yellow liquid dripping from the microwave and the smell was unquestionably urine'
Sanchez was issued a summons for damaging the microwave, which police claimed was worth $500