Anonymous ID: b78728 May 4, 2018, 10:50 p.m. No.1305731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5853 >>5988


>Another temporary extension to veterans choice program, which already existed before trump.


>Meanwhile what op said is still true, VA discriminating agaisnt vets with service dogs, vets with disabilities passed over for job opportunities in favored of 'able bodied' vets, and corrupt VA social workers not letting vets use entitlements they EARNED.


>It's ok.. still holding out, delaying my suicide till at least his 7th term since congress is fighting him so.


>This Q stuff keeps me going, gives me meaning to my life… for now… would much rather HAVE a life though. I have so much survivors guilt for making it home, and getting some care from the system, it makes me sad to walk past the other vets getting denied care due to loopholes every time I go through the VA doors tho.


>Truth be told, I hardly care about the disability benefits even though they allow me to eat and live, I just want to be allowed to use any of the 3 separate worker retraining programs I qualify for. VA is more interested in throwing up walls however to keep budgets down and earn bonuses for 'saving money' and looking good on their statistics but loop holing and kicking to the curb any vet who looks like they have the slightest chance of not making it through the programs (read vets with actual serious disabilities) looking good on paper for them because they only let the vets with minor problems in, so they can claim close to 100% success rates, while letting those with more major issues slip through the cracks, because as long as they are no officially on their books, they arn't their failures… so you have them do stuff like they did to me, where they handed me all my documentation and paperwork back, refusing to accept it, then sent me a denial letter for 'not providing enough evidence to prove eligibility' fuckers, I gave you the paper work, you gave it right back to me along with a speach about how you 'ethicly' couldn't accept me into the program because there was a slim chance I might not graduate.


>in other words they told me, fuck you. I think your a loser so we won't let you use the benefits you earned by law because it might make me look bad.




>You Cannot Petition The Lord With Prayer!









Plz don't tell people not to pray, praying for a better future and a positive outcome is EXACTLY what Q and POTUS want from us.


I'm praying for Q, POTUS, Military, and the VETS!!!


Anonymous ID: b78728 May 4, 2018, 11 p.m. No.1305794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5866 >>5988


Then you underestimate the shills. bot shills that are ultra obvious are there to fool people into thinking all shills are obvious. sophistishills try to act like patriots, while shitting on any research that goes over target and trying to distract with petty back and forth drama, they are easy to spot because they spam every new bread with 'patriot memes' the moment they are posted to cement their legitimacy.

Anonymous ID: b78728 May 4, 2018, 11:27 p.m. No.1305942   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah I know id's change every bread, that is why they respam the same memes over and over each bread. to flag themselves as 'patriots' before they start shilling. open your eyes