>What am I doing here?
Lotsa squints going on. Possibly he was attempting to home in on a non-existent teleprompter and was caught in the stage lights. He remembers his notes on the podium and continues.
>What am I doing here?
Lotsa squints going on. Possibly he was attempting to home in on a non-existent teleprompter and was caught in the stage lights. He remembers his notes on the podium and continues.
Good one! Keep going! Saved!
Carone's in muh zone!!
Yanking a churches tax exempt status is enough to keep most in compliance of almost any type of regulation barring closure
It's one of those things where.if you know what to look for, it sticks out like a sore thumb.
Also BOoM ers that killed the Sooners
Once you know, you can never turn back. On the bright side, the narrow path is much more difficult for good reason
Dubb's chekt
And she should call it Disrupt because the only food she could make would disrupt anyone's bowels immediately.
I pray for you. Find peace in peace