>>MSM's creation, this current crap, has WAY worse scripting than those soaps' writers could ever muster. characters died in explosions, getting shot to death, car wrecks, fires… only to reappear.
That happens is every so-called action packed movie….. All the bullshit heroes take turns dying and coming back to life..kekke
Back from the Dead
A major character, possibly even a popularly nasty Big Bad, has been killed, pronounced dead and buried. However, the established laws of the universe allow for Functional Magic, a Sufficiently Advanced Alien, Applied Phlebotinum, Deus ex Machina or similar agency to intervene and subvert what naturally follows dying. Namely, staying dead. (In some cases, an explanation isn't even bothered with.)
Maybe the writers were running short of new ideas and decided to recycle some old characters. Maybe the actor has recently acquired some indecent photographs of the producers. Maybe the new writer was devastated his predecessor killed the character. Who knows? He is now Back From the Dead!