Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 10:36 p.m. No.13058938   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9704 >>9740

AGG    part 1 of 8

as in qagg and/or  '/agg'


PS (pre-script), I ain't cutting this short so I'm chucking this up, icy cold, paddle through it


'agg' occurs a curious 66 times in Q Code


'map' occurs 75 times

first as Roadmap, drop 97, a 'big picture' concern

that drop ends with Godfather III

Godfather III plays… death, self-destruction, of international crime fam(s)

it must play… play-out… though end is known… is it near too

RE-READ 128, concentrate on importance of 'map', note end, beyond Godfather III

son(s) rescues father, next flick up… do we now get it… has it already begun… before G III ends

We have seen a Trump Card played, but might there be yet another… Trump card, as in Trump stock?

QMAP used once by Q Code in 162, also twice as link

162, key crumb


'agg' found in Q Code in the words: flagged, aggress(ive(ly))(tion), Maggie, tagging, Faggot (by Anon), baggabrigade (in link), aggravate(d), bragging

Then there are these 2 curious uses: "/agg_recir_deC/", "/agg_image_failure/", both on Nov 11, 2019, text is in Internet format, looking WW, web like, not war… but drops on Armistice Day as in end of WW I, in 2019.


First, roughing the gist of it all, let us step back to hone simple view:

This is foremost for serious Anons with significant depth of study/experience in Q Code.

Any and all are invited to read and study along, but at times, much advanced 'got it' gets assumed.

I sure don't claim to know all, often ending wrong, learning and relearning, but please venture along these lines.

Any who followed QMAP faithfully, these last too many years, knows it morphed, handed-off to current QAGG. In similar fashion 4ch became 8ch currently evolved to, handed off to, kun. Many lessons therein being skipped. But to simplify a bit, first, combine 4ch and 8ch to simply Chan, and when combined with kun, call it all Board. The combo of qmap and qagg, call them Map. In this fashion there are 2 and only 2 threads to consider, Board and Map, both with parts, distinctive styles, different intent, audience and other advantages, disadvantages. There is third 'expressions' which I use for research, as I am sure many others do too, but that sort can go with no further mention for concerns below. So I suggest only consider Board and Map, and all their parts as needed. Order is obvious. The former is interactive and the root source, the latter is read-only, to date, and many on the first wish the first was read-only for most. Ha ha ha, humor not Huma. I'll go step further for those who keep up. Map exists because of deficiencies of Board… too diluted, too transitory, too irrelevant, too rapidly ballooning to no place. Board, at rate of 751 per, sometimes by the hour, is next to impossible to map. It is the TOPOGRAPHY of the whole, not a manageable view, a map. Map, a read-only subset, on the other hand distills to key crumbs and adds vital twit feed(s). Whereas it is not THEE MAP, it is tool that accommodates MAP-MAKING and likely THEE MAP to map. Map is not beginning, it is not end. It is intermediary. Mapping is what one does with Map. Future is both the key and product of mapping efforts. Past, recent past is also part of mapping process, thus the admonishment to reread after happenings, and future proves past. It is my habit to map by text leaving visual presentations for others. I tell you where to go.


Both Board and Map had an upsetting-of-the-apple-cart by mean spirited Cabal Tyrants who think they own world, meaning you and me too… talking about getting it all wrong. That was summer/fall of 2019. Up to 8-1-2019, we had Chan and Qmap. Then we had silence, of Q not POTUS, for 3 months until 11-2-19, eve of an 11.3, by date. These details remain obvious on Board by following the links on given dates, any Q source/means. It is easy to see change from Chan to kun on specified dates. As I recall, Map, understand qmap, went down at same time. Looks on Web tends to confirm that, but Cabal does a good job burying and confusing it all. So I say qmap went down 8-1-19 and qagg began around  11-2-19, is at least approximately what I recall. I may have made sufficient notes, but I am not digging my own now, letting memory serve. Shout out details if you know them, can demonstrate facts… not that I am apt to see such, tied up in my own strings, but I am sure others will appreciate.

Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 10:39 p.m. No.13058946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9704 >>9740

AGG    part 2 to end


Everyone should know Q has left us blanks within text and everything has meaning, importance, that must include blanks, holes, darkness. With that in mind, long back, I started to map days Q did not drop. Never completed, though shared broadly what got done, and that too is now well buried. The point is simple, Q's silence may well have value and we do have a big hole in Q Code from 8-1-19 to 11-2-19, a 3 month delta, that might be called, darkness. I will call it 3M Dark. During 3M Dark I am sure Cabal danced in the streets and had a particularly great fall equinox. Consider the gloaters and dates on the composite in 3632. Imagine those Idiots now. Those were also days of fake whistleblower and fake impeach windup, not unlike fake and fraudulent current WH Thief and yet another cruel hoaxy impeach long after whistle blown, term over, or so at least some allege and oblige. They must have thought they had Trump on rope in 2019, 19, did I say 19, putting fire in their bellies to finish him off with Impeach45. One year delta before their 2020 Election Steal, their bubble busted, certainly nothing for CNN to squawk about. Board and Map were up and running again, We Returned. One must speculate how many miscalculations did Cabal make because they thought they killed us, de-platformed us, killing Q. Impeach45 failed. ARE there more messages in the 3M Dark for us? We took one for team back then, playing dead did we, but might that speak fresh value into today.


So, I have defined 3M Dark suggesting it needs more pondering. Point of termination of 3M Dark I label Return, and that is where I soon turn bulk of focus, but first, toying with Cabal a bit. Did Cabal conquer Board/Map, or did Q permit failure, right on schedule, consider button pushed 3376, 7-8-9 (date), consider end and duration (delta)? Did Q use the apparent failure against Cabal? Board and Map Returned, I suggest right on schedule according to plan and have lived ever since, despite WH Fake as of 1-20-21. I'll get it out of my system here, now. If Cabal so great, supposedly holding fake potus by seat, how come our little old, Board and Map, still live, remain. Q says POTUS Trump so great he can take down mighty world-wide Cabal. Now, month beyond 1-20-21, Board and Map live on. We have RETURNED, and our Return stays put, we stick. If new tyrant so great, take us nasty sheep on petty platforms down, again, forever. I rant with chant… take us down, Take Us Down, TAKE US DOWN. Burry us forever Barry. More taunt will be forthcoming, proving the point and serving the point, RETURN sticks, you pricks.


RETURN requires scrutiny, that is the public return of qmap as qagg and Chan as kun as shown on Board during Return.

So much here to unpack, crisscrossing, unpacking more and more. Dates are critical but so is format/style… and then there is so much critical content, much of it in brevity and numeric… you'd thunk it CODE. There are chapters and chapters here to unpack it all to common understanding. I only skirt advance version. This will be very weedy, pullen em up and out, not smoken em down.


1) Note dates Q uses for Return, both 11.2 (an eve of 11.3) and 11.11 (point to Armistice) both in year 2019, blanks in between. Year 19 neither promise of 'unified', think 11.11.18 nor hope of 2020 election, think 11.3. Year 19 is in between both. In 19, Q plants a Return of Board and Map. Deliberately Q shoves 11.3 and 11.11 back into Anon focus in an off year, 19, did I say 19, yet shoves them together, 11.3 and 11.11. Besides Return, 2019 is a nothing year. 11.3 is big deal in the first 36 drops. 11.11.18 is supposed date for 'unified'. OH WHAT IS THAT DROP NUMBER AND ON WHAT DATE, promise of 11.11.18? Why can't I COUNT on my memory for that one. By year 19, seems like Q can get nothing right, did I say 19: still no unification as prescribed for 11.11.18, Q brings that flop up a whole year late and fizzle and dud on election, 11.3 2020 (11.4 coupe, America's death squad, still masquerades as power). View it all now in retrospect post 1.20.21. Q got it all wrong, right. Q Code jumbles into insanity right there and then, in 19, did I say 19. Patriots, we must return here


2) Note format/style. Much use of internet formatting, very rare for Q, I mean the '/', forward slashes and underscores '_'. Why does Q want us to think 'INTERNET'? See the style on both 11.2 and 11.11: 3571 (test), 3572 (safe) on 11.2. Those first two are understandable as Q comes back online, Return, end of 3M Dark. But why the long 3572… ending in point to so much "DoD"? Why continue the style on next drops, skipping to 11.11.19, internet form? Why no hit on 11.3, why only on eve? Why does (did) Q shove both 11.3 and 11.11 in our faces at the same time, 19, did I say 19? Remember 19. 3577 and 3578 both draw twit blanks now but find the messages that remain that twit can't touch.

Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 10:43 p.m. No.13058965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9015 >>9704 >>9740

AGG    part 3 to end


3) Note content of 3572: "DoD", "route", "9999999", "pack", "1-99"; don't ignore "RED" 3574; 3575: "/deC/"; 3576: "/agg_recir_deC/"; 3579 "/agg_image_failure/", "/route_DoD_11.11.18/". Do not forget to read beyond.

a) "DoD": seems like military to me… think of the first 36 Q drops as a House all its own, H36, military is key along with that 11.3 riddle, connect the dots, intellectual in nature, Q Code based.

b) "route": as in internet routes, a set of numbers, 4 sets at most, 3 digits at most each, 255 high, no leading zeros except as placeholder… that is norm

c) so why a DoD route of "9999999", 7 nines, only twice in Q, other use between 4ch and 8ch

d) "pack": curious

e) "pack: 1-99", trace 1-99 through Q Code and relate it back to the wider context here

f) don't ignore "RED", I'm thinking even red red, save the children and/or Roths targeted, what's the dif

g) "/deC/": speculate double meaning, note internet style, maybe act of declassification in DC location… by internet means, related to 1-99?

h) "/agg_recir_deC/": what role might an internet source of 'agg' play in deC? Is not qagg obvious since this is keyed by Q? "recir" is rarest of all, only this one use crammed between "/aggg" and "deC/". 'Recirculate' plausible as in qagg recirculates DC DECLAS, but can any find yet another meaning/explanation? Test 'recir' in typical electronic dictionary, not many options are there.

i) an "image failure" qagg, hmm? Did I see that because I was looking on a particular delta point, further below?

j) What did DoD/military route on 11.11.18 one year previous or is that WRONG, WRONG, ALL WRONG? Think INTERNET! 11.11.18 only twice by Q, this is second and last. WHAT IS THAT NUMBER, FIRST USE OF "11.11.18", AND ON WHAT DATE? What other content in that drop… OH IF I COULD ONLY unite IT ALL. Do you recall the use of "11/11/18", only once in all of Q by a legal type Canadian shill?


So many pieces and this just in these few drops at RETURN when /agg puts egg on Cabal face… we, they, learned, DARKNESS, think 3M Dark, does not last beneath Q blast, true Patriots endure, did I say in 19, under fire, with no light, long night, so much like now.


Digression, why do I count, record, report Q use. Ever think of a pin, a very small thing doing big task, like holding hair up or cloth together for sewing. But also a relatively small pin holds the roaring monstrous tractor to the huge cleated dead weight called plow. In that use, a pin turns the sod that feeds us all. A mere pin links, turns and pivots to feed the world. It all hinges on a tiny solid, well tooled and placed pin. In Q Code, critical small pieces go unfound if there is no turn to measure. Counting finds and understands the lynchpins. I am glad Q assured us 34 times to 'trust the plan', in part meaning, 'this ain't going to be easy', as we now find.  We are now living that, proving 'trust the plan' valid admonishment. Big portions of Q Code often turn and link on little connecting pins.


So what is the first use of 11.11.18, echoed on 11.11.19 concerning/modifying/attached-to "/agg"? Drop number 1-2-3-4 on 4/21 of 2018. Think it through, 2021 perspective. Count 1-2-3-4, Trump's 4, on 4/21, now in year 21. Think further… on April 21st… history lesson PATRIOTS, a 2 day delta any year since 75, that is back in year Q75, long back, centuries before internet. What year is it now, 21? Trump finished 4, count 1-2-3-4… 4 and it is now 21. Perhaps we best rethink drop 1-2-3-4 for today.

AMERICA WILL BE UNIFIED AGAIN… Q shouts. "UNIFIED" do not forget that word.

11.11.18… Think date, understand internet, double meaning.


Of course it is only natural for us to think 11.11.2018, a few months after 4/21/2018, 1-2-3-4 drop. But 11.11.18 also points to the first Armistice Day, end of WW I, as in 11/11/1918 thus double meaning fulfilled! Have I already confused you with double talk? Nothing happened on 11.11.18, America was not unified on 11.11.2018, or any Armistice since, Q a damn clown, a duff. And so a Canadian legal type shill shouted back to Q on 12/2/2018, see "11/11/18", only once in all of Q Code, by shill. The drop on casual read may seem like emotional outburst of jumbled mass. But study realizes Q looked for this big-mouth clown, ready to launch many lynchpin-ing links back into the House of first 36 (H36), Q's BIGGEST DROP, MI and the hide of 11.3 riddle. Please follow along, Q's rebuff to Canadian shill.

Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 10:48 p.m. No.13058976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9055 >>9704 >>9740

AGG    part 4 to end


"Think WAVES.": Q SHOUTS BACK, 2nd and last time, find first, see Podesta (hmm, 5,000+ too), linking back to H36. Perhaps wave theory, think military, H36. Maybe even a great tsunami… waking everyone up… wave, wake, LOUD wake, WAKE, where have we heard that before. Expand your thinking. What comes is overwhelming, relentless force, on the high side of riding tide, cannot be stopped or defeated… washing America, World, clean, still unseen, not yet making scene?

"WW?": a question with 4 plausible Q answers all relevant: First, Armistice Day joy as in end of WW I, 11.11.18; Second is World Wide, as in Internet. Put these together. Think magnitude of joy-filled Armistice event spreading World Wide at internet speed/force/retention… plausibly based on a whole new internet not controlled by Big Tech, any social media or MSM, unstoppable. Third, ensured by WW, Wizards and Warlocks H36. Fourth, full realization of WW as in, Where WE, WWG1WGA. First use of WW in Q is in H36, drop 17 to be exact, more below.

"Define 'unified'": Remember "unified". This remains not satisfied, not fulfilled, clearly linking back to drop 1234 where the 11.11.18 puzzle begins. Is it not curious, a-g-g may abbreviate aggregate, a unification, Occam's razor? Think Q forces, unified. Put the puzzle together.

"[17]": Obviously multiple meanings, obviously 'Q' is one. Used 3 times in Q Code, twice here, lookup the third. As mentioned above, restudy Q drop 17 too, first use of "WW". Drop 17 in heart of H36, in more than one way, REREAD, rethink for today. Then there is a third and new meaning of Controlled 17 solving the riddle of 11.3, think back through H36. Get it on your own or wait for it…

"SAT…": a question. Satellite is obvious understanding, but as to who did the "knockout", thank SATanic Cabal forces (H36), but as to a 'Classified Technical' solution, I'd look to WW, Wizards and Warlocks, again H36. Look for something totally new… Space Age stuff, obviously. Further consider 1328, see SKY EVENT, think Satellite, the drop is signed by Q+ where we also find  "We will not be held hostage." America has never been held more 'hostage' than in these exact days with FAKE and FRAUD in WH!

"[Controlled] moment…": as in a tightly held, totally secured event, a certain type of event. Think military, Military Intelligence (WW), Military Law. even DoD, EVEN Q, REREAD 17. Think a happening and not a date. See "activated" think "actionable", Q Clearance drop 34, H36, something served, an action… 11.4 action after 11.3 riddle becomes world known. It is all secured, by whom, hint 973? Nothing can stop what is coming because they are sworn got life, unimpeachable. Get it, 'Q', '17' . See it at end of almost every drop, every tripCODE. "You have much more than you know." found exactly 45 times as in Q+, Q more. Think more than 1 meaning. Take the hint. Solve the riddle.

"… coincidences?": Yes, I have said many times I believe in coincidences so I can clearly, forcefully and rightly say the links found here are not coincidences. This is masterly cleaver CODE, needing deciphering, written for these exact days that are darker than 3M Dark… hmm, is there further lesson there, to be found here. 

"… [CA_J]": ah… Canadian shill legal type, coming up next.

"… place for everyone.": Aldo, "We have it all." an unlucky 13 times in Q, a bit of Q humor suspected. Do you still doubt this is tightly Controlled Code masterfully presented?  Q can nail any shill at any time, be warned.


How do we know this shill is Canadian legal type?


It is easy to spot that Q nailed this clown in under 8 minutes, meaning on this one, Q was ready, laying in wait for such a dunce, to give us critical detail for the first time, as in [17]. A Canadian legal type SHOUTED with much hype… likely paid by and shilling for Cabal. Q's response ends with "CA_J' playing on C_A. 'Information' missing this time, not 'Intelligence' but in context any difference is very debatable. CAIJ is an obscure (30k member) Canadian legalese, and I mean legal-ease, thing, Center for Access to Information and Justice. Is Soros misdirecting our tax dollars to pay for it?  Q approximately says, 'look, you un-Intelligent, miss-Informed Canadian Cabal, know-nothing SOB jerk-face (my liberty), we got your numbers, your route, but you cannot touch us.' WHAT A PUT-DOWN! Soros got it.

Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 10:50 p.m. No.13058987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9704 >>9740

AGG    part 5 to end


Was date, 11.11.18 Q's primary point or only point? Should we rethink 11.3 too? To digress yet again, APPARENTLY, yet this will fill with more lynchpins, meaning keys found and turned, after all, this is Q Code where every TINY detail fills our hearts and souls with scruTINY… with no mutiny… we have no mute. In this exact text, Q by rebuffing Canadian shill warns us to rethink 11.11.18… look for double meanings, triple if you must. And also in this exact text Q gave us a very new piece of Q maze to map, be amazed. This rebuff first looks as if Q chases a horny Canadian jack-o-lope (understand fraudster) looking to get screwed. But in fact Q drives rethink on Anons: 11.11.18, WAVE, WW, unified, and then there is that CONTROLLED element newly introduced, but with us from the beginning. Controlled, connected, activated, why are those so familiar? How does all this fit together, play out, future proving past?


4) Upon Return, whatever Q had said about qmap, now applies to qagg, more weeds

168, "Follow the map."… only once… now follow qagg

Curious, once too, "Follow the the MAPS." sounding like today, Cabal so predictable, stooges all

162, 'QMAP… key', so qagg… key too


5) Nov 2, 2019, 11.3 eve on which Q stayed silent, but not POTUS TRUMP speaking on fake whistleblower and ensuing impeach. As I key (but not as I finished), we have yet another fake stealing center stage, WH fraud, and impeach floating around NeverNeverLand. As Q promised back in H36, you know, biggest drop on Board, something about military and 11.3, also saying Impeach will fail, zero risk, that is back at start of Q Code right before 17… all of which many think dead and gone needing forgotten… but proving true in these exact days. Many just do not get it. Is RETURN of Board and Map, in the range of an 11.3, 2019, a minor 11.3 marker? Q's void, silence between 11.3  and  11.11, 2019, did I say 19, does not that void link up 11.3 with 11.11. What is true of one, may be true of the other, somehow they are connected. Do not think date, or only date. Note: only use of '/agg', form suggesting internet, falls only twice in Q Code, both on 11.11 of 2019, marking end of WW I, connected to DoD in more than one way. How devastating to Cabal, they thought they killed Map/Board, but both returned as an improved qagg/kun suggesting an 11.3 mark, yet also 11.11 ! ! ! Upon our Return, did Cabal freak over election 2020, there and then, driving them to calculate over-the-top outlandish fraud may be required to steal election 20, since they failed 16, H36? Did our RETURN torment, spook and drive Cabal to go overtop in 2020. Throughout election, up to today, we remain untouchable to them… thanks to whom.


6) As to DoD lines, another way to say military, even MI, 3572, note similarity with, 3579. Realize in 3579 first two lines we have the last use of both /agg and 11.11.18, apparently fortified by DoD… routing on date 11.11.19. 11.11.18 must be date. It is so obvious. I double talk you again!  Remember 11/11/18 rebuff! Think internet as in WW.


7) WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, if you are not looking for doubles, you are not decoding. 11.11.18 only obviously looks like date first used in drop 1-2-3-4, April 21st (4-21) of 2018 ! ! ! What year is it now, Trump completed how many? Dates and numbers speak, in retrospect, future proving past. Attach, put the puzzle together, solve the riddle.

Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 10:55 p.m. No.13059002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9011 >>9704 >>9740

AGG    part 6 to end


8) So what is 11.11.18 besides Armistice Day both first in 1918 and 100 year mark 2018? Can we relate 11.11.18, to, let us say DoD and even route, how about /agg, maybe even "BRIDGE" (at another time)? That is context Q gives.  This is the wider context of 3579, and what follows those first 2 lines? Not only our memorized word, but a repeat of the whole same original line, see 1-2-3-4, 4/21 of 18? Let the TINY details rush back through thinking. What year is this? 11.11.18 is a DoD IP address and /agg too has an IP address said to be By the way, what is DoD route 9999999, that sure ain't straight Web talk. Is it Space Age stuff leaving Big Tech behind? I suggest some how /agg, that is Internet qagg, is hooked, linked, bridged to and/or through a secured DoD route, military, WW. Every day, I mean every day, I marvel Map lives, now giving fresh relevant feed by sanctioned Others… it feeds the world.  I remind, QMAP… key… so too qagg key. Why has not the scumbag current WH stooge, liar, thief, raping scourge, not-a-president OR America-is-dead, evil tyrant I rant, not yet ended Map and Board? We live. Q tells us POTUS all powerful, able to take down mighty CABAL, first 36 drops, the known house of 11.3. YES, we have the pin to 11.3, within our grasp… if we turn back to see it. Farmer sits atop tractor, looks back to see secure pin keeping plow in proper tow, tightly held. To see the pin, make the connection, connect the dots, map it, turn back, plow up all of Q Code if you must, but, if you follow, it is already in front of your face because Q pinned it to 11.11.18, via the Canadian Shill, marvelous. I would add, it's soon will be WAVES of GREAT WAKE. Ingenious! It is all right there, here. Yes, I buried the lede, so find it.


9) Do not miss the obvious. DoD, is military by another name, the biggest point of Board's first-36 and very much linked to 11.3. It is also FAKES greatest fear as the senile old batty (think China) WH intruder runs around DC putting military on leave, crying, 'Leave me alone Durham,' for his dirge. Like Canadian shill the guy is screwed and he's feeling it. The fool believes Q until Q says 'nothing can stop what is coming'. Then the dunce thinks his own Fakeness most powerful. Take us Down guano breath. We turn and churn, burn midnight oils, wake-filled nights. TAKE US DOWN. Find the pin that hitches plow to tractor, feed the world. Q gave the pin to the Canadian Shill, waved it in face, all our faces. Not just a 17, but a controlled 17, [17], rightly and tightly held. Who can secure in these times, any times? Three times found in all of Q Code. First, twice in same drop badgering, brow beating Canadian shill to our delight. Is not Q saying, 'I am key'… putting the "much more" in our know'! Solve the riddle.


What do we get when we unite, wed, pin 17 to 11.3: CFR Title17, Chapter 11, Part 3, Code of Federal Regulations not Council of Foreign Relations. 'eCFR' is electronic version. See "CFR?" in Q Code. CFR never defined in all of Q Code! 9 uses in total almost all as links, what do you think? Scrutinize 627!  Title17 covers exchanges of commodities and securities. Why that makes GREAT SENSE… for next time. Chapter 11 is about investigations. Part 3 regards confidentiality, yet also covers public interest and right to know under Freedom of Information Act… think WAVES, but don't miss the play between American Information leading to Freedom and Canadian Information proving buffoon. 17.11.4 covers subpoenas, actionable. 11.6 is about oaths and false statements. Note: there is no 11.5, about Transcripts, in Q Code, because it conveys insufficient message, impact, for Q's strikes on Cabal.


Think WAVES, information followed by subpoenas, like DURHAM FLEET splash, dash and bash cross ice chunk current, like Tsunami WAVE… World Wide magnitude and impact, Web spread, living as sure as Map and Board, even with the assurance and enablement of Map and Board, an Aggregated whole, maybe new SHIP, 3906, 39 + 06 = 45 (and 3 + 9 + 6 = 18 some regard as Q+). There have been ripples, but nothing pouring across the globe with Armistice might, Unified weight after long wait. Granted, this is nothing new or shocking, but something very old in Q Code, bedded in the rumor and hope of drop 1. Check out 3rd and last use of [17], where does that lead, U, sketchy confirmation right on point, real and full U story, hardly yet told, again, more next time.

Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 10:58 p.m. No.13059013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9103 >>9704 >>9740

AGG    part 7 to end


I am not saying/hinting this is military duty as in primary duty, yet is not treason busting primary duty for all Oath Keepers? As DoD keeps Map and Board alive today, then they will make sure investigated truth floods planet, Biblical story, FREEDOM ACT center stage. Will we find Election Fraud wrapped up in it all too? The same voice who has harped loudest and longest about U-know-where, thank you great Mayor, also points to Venezuela about the same sick whackos, father-son full of FRAUD. You know what came out of V, curse of 11.3… 20. We got the hint, but full story still waits.


Imagine Big Tech no longer able to scrub World clean for their evil takings, gross criminality. Let them FREEK. Did Cabal get the memo? Why do they really impeach beyond alleged office but to save their own hides. Cabal feels burn, near at hand, not in another 4? DoD/military secures and assures it all, even with Fake and Fraud in WH, BECAUSE fake and fraud is in WH.  MSM, social media, will not have enough whitewash to cover it all, their own guilt. Their dodges will be their downfall. DoD secured, Big Tech will not be able to hide/delete it off planet. They too will look and sound stupid. Will they too, be out-classed, by invading TECH? HWOOD fully condemned, image shattered, their stooge center staged in DC. Ds, the Congressional Thieves, will run out of talking points, tongue-tied by the fifth, filthy evidence up the… duff. They all will be revealed, under glass of public eye World Wide. Think the magnitude of Armistice Day with the fortitude and magic of WW, Wizards and Warlocks. Map's and Board's survival, day after day, supplies token proof, what comes will come. Nothing can stop. Map and Board, leads the pack, beacon, we, future's light, piercing through current darkness. 


A personal note, could 11.3, measured as a delta, have any relevance. Would Q use 11.3 in multiple ways? Has not Q already used 11.3 at multiple times like 2017, 2019 and 2020, keeping it alive and well, as Q's lifeline? We still suffer under 11.4 coupe. Might Q use 11.3 as delta, not as simple meaningless misinformation, but to keep the details alive, to keep focus on 11.3 so we might recognize it, the main event not only as great tsunami like history of WW magnitude but also as straight fulfilment of oldest Q Code, now in danger of being forgotten and totally written off by too many not trusting plan.


I searched for such with a start of 1.20.21, an 11.3 as delta measured in days, now well past. QAGG, you may know it has been very faithful. But on and about 11 days post 1.20.21, you may have noticed, as I did, for at least hours, there was an 'image failure' on the platform. The mast held, displayed, no 404 error suggesting total failure, as in a takedown, but no content image appeared. Those were late night hours and early next morn while I worked to post to kun, not watching qagg carefully. To me it suggested major site revision in process, but also showed as image-failure. Next day, qagg having come back, stumbling around inside looking for revision, I soon found 'Others' populating fresh twits, still no Q or POTUS, but clearly the Others aligned with Q/POTUS like Sons (think Iron and Eagle), and POTUS good friend Rudy, great Mayor. Our plots and pots thickened. I can not tell you when 'Others' first populated. I know I tried it early on (2019) and a couple of widely scattered subsequent attempts, never finding 'Others' button of use. I personally found it working post 1/20/21 by about 11.3 days after I noted a display/content failure suggesting major forthcoming site revision. Expand your thinking… well, mine did!

Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 11:02 p.m. No.13059023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9704 >>9740

AGG    part 8 to end


Durham has the ax to swing, and thus the second to last Q drop to date. What will Fake WH dweller do? Some of us do not speak that name, a senile old creep, nothing but thief, fraud and child abuser. Will the Fraud pass out jibber, or pass out fake pardons like candy to his fraudulent horde or pass out? Realize at that time the evidence will be thicker than D Congressional thieves for all of John Q Public to see, the whole world will know. Board will meme it all. Will Map recirculate it too? Is that us occupying front row seats or taking frontline action? WH will wear banana stripes, rotting out from within, utter and total jerk off his basement rocker. Nothing can stop what is coming. We swallowed, Election 2020 Selection, choking down more 3M Dark. They much more comings, much worse, their coming fate on some choice date, perhaps no shot in dark park, but heard WW. They think they stole the WH, all they did is bought the farm. The rest of time will mark their demise. DoD/military will make it happen at the right time, just like Board and Map endure. Trump not to be found, not his doing, plausible deniability, AForgotten One, or Won… perhaps? The sting is on, about to spring, spring soon here.


Now, totally unrelated fun with math and number things


consider 1.20.21 as point of first interest even delta start

see points 19), 2), 3), 4) below


19) Q seemed most wrong in 2019, ponder19 search annual calendar Patriots, think military action, 4.19 any year, but especially this 21, America held hostage, again


2) 11. 3 delta measured in days plus delta of 11.3 weeks (79.4 days) = 90.7 from what start, ends on 4.20 plus .7

thinking on week, drop 168 equals hours in week, "Follow the map." only once in Q code!

incidentally, I a wild paddle knocked me out of my Durham, when I came up, my chattering teeth had this Morse

The end of .7 ends at the end of 16:48, 3231 (3 + 2 = 5, 3 + 1 = 4, through the looking glass, see 45)

how wild is that, me dunked upside-down and backwards, am I pullen em or smoken em


3) 'unified', date of drop 1-2-3-4… 4.21.18, 3 year delta, hits 4.21 of 21


4) where would a second 3M Dark (92 days of Q silence) land as delta, 4.22


4.19, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22: Think WAVES. See the order. Have they been ordered? 


I do believe in coincidences and previous math/numbers seem contrived, maybe forced to some. Yet playing with the basic number sets, how they may play with each other, according to Q teachings and lead, compiling plausible calculations, and so arranged above, hitting day after day, looks like no accident. Did Q give us multiple number sets to play in multiple ways to land us on the same beach, wave after wave? Are their others to discover? This too must expand another time.

Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 11:04 p.m. No.13059034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9704 >>9740

AGG    part 9 of 9


Think WAVES, think history, think take back, we alone get it, got it, we are firmly planted in these days to carry on… poking our stick in monstrous triangle eye, take us down, Take Us Down, TAKE US DOWN. America lives by the sheer will of our guts and determinations. Our finest hours are yet to come. We, the best, best come when duty calls, fellow Anon oath keepers, we are held up by much greater, unseen but known? If it was easy, we would not have been called up and out. Ready the keys, sharpen mice, tweak each pix, reread, reread, reread. The battle is ours, carry it to the PEOPLE. Poke monster, WE STICK, but tell your neighbors, we stand, We Stand, WE STAND.


Trump is the only just, fair and legal winner of 2020! STATES, CONGRESS AND JUDICERARY ALL BE DAMNED! We, The People with our Oath Keepers hold America's life and death in our hands… only we can kill it, not a potus, Congress, States, Judges, only WE make America live. In these exact days, though hostaged as never before, America is wholly carried on our shoulders. DC is failed, States failed, Judges failed. We can bear it. We got the load! Who fires first shout? Is this part 2, 3M Dark? Call out through the darkness… HERE, hear us roar, soon to soar. Sore, yes, learning Q lore, finding core, no time for snore.


True, today we stand American proud, footed in deepest mud pit, bottom of worst pothole, on road sinkhole sunk, garbage truck run, long down earthen trough, yet totally secured. Only grave, greater low as we tow all pain, living the Paine. Get it, 4544, repeat, 45-44, no mistake. Recall, Washington crew cross of Delaware row, toe point to sunrise, GREAT AWAKE, after Paine's heels chased sunset writing healing lines. Get the picture! This plan, this paint, is not for all. 14, we stand ready… aboard Durham, skiff of SCIF or SCIF of skiff, carry to Victory, Sessions' return, revenge, 14. Long on oar, we stick it to them, deep in fluid flow, till our united muddy stomp shakes the world for JUSTICE. The dirty rotting filth will soon be on those who cling to their fifth, for all to see and hear, WW.

Swift fury, clean and swift.

What we have never seen/heard is what WE will soon know, WW in every regard.

Think WAVES, great WAKE, WW number 5, 5:5


I do text, stingy stringy sting-ie character bites by bytes, however graphical ploys, Q employs, provide sleek and cool chart, great art. Do the map for Q Public. Someday, I think soon, they will be hungry to see what we have long trusted. Trusting is good, most Biblical. This is Biblical because of our TRUST alone, yet might we see strangely new resurrection facing insurrection. Seeing the Code reassures but apprehension remains, oil burns late and long, invaded by endless prayer, cares casted. I'll leave the mapping to/for others, plot it all out, paint the map, to see the basics, but much will be left unsaid. Perhaps some day I too will brush paint. Words for now, they multiply, build, rapidly leap to much fresh logic constructs, hidden in old code.  So for now, for me, simple string thing

Anonymous ID: 3909ee Feb. 26, 2021, 11:18 p.m. No.13059070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9740

AGG supplement 

here are the parts by timestamp


AGG    part 1 of 8 (turned out to be 9)

02/27/21 (Sat) 01:36:21

3909ee (1) No.13058938


AGG    part 2 to end

02/27/21 (Sat) 01:39:46

3909ee (2) No.13058946


AGG    part 3 to end

02/27/21 (Sat) 01:43:45

3909ee (3) No.13058965


AGG    part 4 to end

02/27/21 (Sat) 01:48:05

3909ee (4) No.13058976


AGG    part 5 to end

02/27/21 (Sat) 01:50:53

3909ee (5) No.13058987


AGG    part 6 to end

02/27/21 (Sat) 01:55:28

3909ee (6) No.13059002


AGG    part 7 to end

02/27/21 (Sat) 01:58:58

3909ee (7) No.13059013


AGG    part 8 to end

02/27/21 (Sat) 02:02:11

3909ee (8) No.13059023


AGG    part 9 of 9

02/27/21 (Sat) 02:04:39

3909ee (9) No.13059034