Anonymous ID: fc66a5 May 5, 2018, 3:53 a.m. No.1306809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6825


Fuck Churchill, he was one of (((them))).


It's like no one remembers my bread on the British enemy.


According to the LaRouchians, the venetian black nobility transplanted themselves first to Amsterdam and then to London, where the seat of power resides today (because Mrs. John Brown became the patriarch of the black nobility), which is why John Coleman says the queen of england meets with the council of 300 off the shores of Venice every so often…


All of my studies indicate the british never truly forgave us for the revolution, and properly recognize the US as the main threat to the future of tyranny planned, so they took us over by subversion and infiltration.


The CFR is a central issue you all know about, that dictates too much foreign policy (especially with dos), but did you know it's origins were from the Cecil Rhodes round table rings within rings structure, it's British version (and controller) being Chatham house.


The civil war was actually them trying to split the country and weaken it via crreation of the kkk by their scottish southern rite freemason rings within rings structure. The Tsar of Russia was approached by the oligarchs to participate against the US. Instead he refused and sent a fleet to SF and a fleet to NY with orders to attack anyone who attacked the US. We owe a great deal as a nation to that man for 1863. That's why the oligarchs killed his entire family… in revenge for foiling their plot earlier.


The time between the civil war and the first world war was one of the most prosperous and invention filled times in the countries history! They oligarchs couldn't stand seeing us get free, especially those out west of the mississipi. They had to take control back!


So by 1909 Norman Dodd says they start discussing, in the board rooms of tax exempt foundations like ford and carnegie mind you, how best to permanantly alter the conciousness of the people. They determine there is no better means than war.


By 1913, they have gotten the federal reserve act (aldrich bill) passed, and the 16th amendment "passed", except it was never properly ratified so the 16th is unconstitutional!, and they have gotten the prep work done for the war by entangling alliances.




WW1 was the cleanup of any potential competitors for the head of the european bloodlines, mostly by Edward the 7th.


How they used it was primarily infiltration via the CIA, who was the OSS, who learned most everything from MI6…


Thats why you see CIA stooges on CFR stages so often.


And all the original company men were wall street lackeys and attorneys in the first place. But who do you think wall street answers to motherfucker?!


The City of London.


Know your enemy.

Anonymous ID: fc66a5 May 5, 2018, 4 a.m. No.1306833   🗄️.is 🔗kun


STFU bitch.


Who do you think created all those things!


SA - Answers to the Queen.

Paki-India-… the "commonwealth" was just a reinvention propaganda move but the empire still exists.


Despots are puppets, propped up and removed when necessary, by whom?


Fabians… Need I say more?


Wake the fuck up, but shut the fuck up until you know more of what you speak of.

Anonymous ID: fc66a5 May 5, 2018, 4:07 a.m. No.1306856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6873


No, you are fighting the phantoms they put out for you, just as I did in Iraq.


Unless you are looking at bankers, trust estate holders, and the complex web of modern corporate shillery, you are looking at the wrong people. That kid with the AK was just payed 100 dollars. You shoot the kid and think you're done. I tell you you need to go interrogate the dude paying the kids!

Anonymous ID: fc66a5 May 5, 2018, 4:15 a.m. No.1306899   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It's all about the Constitution people!


Congress in violation of oath.


Many in executive and judicial in violation.


The oligarchs have taken over the fourth estate.


They must all be held to account under the LAW!

Anonymous ID: fc66a5 May 5, 2018, 4:18 a.m. No.1306907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7027

The power of the Constitution is that it was founded upon the principle of natural rights. We have rights, endowed by our creator (even if you are an atheist, just say the universe), and those rights exist outside of any and all government. And that governments are established by the people in order to protect those rights. And that when said government becomes an usurper of those rights, and fails to heed call to redress of grievance, the people retain the right to abolish said government and reimpliment one more suited.

Anonymous ID: fc66a5 May 5, 2018, 4:20 a.m. No.1306922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6931


They created them both! Strike the root not the branches!


Example: American friendly Chiang Kai-shek was purposefully sabotaged by (((them))) and they propped up Mao because they pull the strings on the boogey men.


It's time for yall to wake the fuck up a bit and stop looking at the faces the enemy has you seeing as the enemy!


Dig deeper.

Anonymous ID: fc66a5 May 5, 2018, 4:22 a.m. No.1306937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6940


I agree, but marxism is a perfect example of how the City of London creates the boogey men by financing in the first place. That one has a money trail we can still see to this day!

Anonymous ID: fc66a5 May 5, 2018, 4:31 a.m. No.1306979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6996


>You don't want it to happen, its simple, just say so. Action like that might actually solve some problems but its the misery in the short term you can't deal with. I get it.


U fukin wot m8? Sounds like you are projecting. I've spent years after being the bullet sponge trying to get my brain up to speed.


You know the best scene in braveheart?

Anonymous ID: fc66a5 May 5, 2018, 4:33 a.m. No.1306992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7010


Oh so exactly what do you propose? Gold only backed by percentage? Crypto?


I think we could have a constitutionally run national bank, with congress in control, as per the constitution.