get your life together
drunks wont last long when the shtf
by the time they get done inflating the money supply
10k will buy you a nice night out at mcdonalds
the kansas city star has put its huge printing press building up for sale
printing done for now in desmoines
mcclatchy owns the star and went bankrupt last year
68 full time and 56 part time people laid off
building and presses cost 200 million in 2006
the topeka and wichita papers were printed by the star also
not sure where they will be printed now
mcclatchy has 30 newspapers
miami herald, sacramento bee, star telegram in fort worth
papers are dying
"why so many q's in captcha's?"
they use 6 of the 26 letters in one captcha
if you miss one and get another cap you have seen 12 or almost half the alphabet
if you look for any other letter, you will see it "all the time"