Anonymous ID: 50ad1e Feb. 27, 2021, 7:08 p.m. No.13065536   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5580

I'm the anon that's been posting about what the prophets are saying. In the past 5 days, 2 prophets of God have given a bit of a timeline of when God is going to make His move to save our nation and put DJT back in office. The 1st one I heard, last Sunday, said to watch what happens at Passover, which is the end of March and running into early April(it's an 8 day celebration). The 2nd prophet was told God will move in the next 30 days(so as of today that would be another 25 days to go). I've heard a lot of prophets give timelines, and frankly, I've not seen any come to fruition. Maybe this time will be different.

The main prophet I listen to said that 9 prophets have to call DJT back into office with specific instructions on how to do it(Spiritual calling). He did so, and called for 8 more to come forward. The next day another You Tube channel had that prophet on explaining that. I'm almost certain that more than 8 prophets have come forward by now(that You Tube program was on about 4 days ago).

I'm hesitant at this time to name names due to the fact that blackhat glow niggers might see to it those people never get to be on You Tube again. Just keep your hope alive and know that God has this.

Every day that passes, with all the evil things our government is pushing on not only us, but also the world, causes me to pray, God, please hurry, people are dying, kids and women are being trafficked, please God, hurry. But, I know He will do what needs to be done, and on time. He wants the normies to wake up, too. So many people are willfully ignorant, too lazy to spend even 5 minutes to research a topic. Bidenis pervertis is so in everyone's face that normies are seeing it. LOTS of buyers remorse for voting Dem. I guess more has to come out. People will be without excuse by the time God acts. Ultimately, this about souls and eternity. If waiting saves more souls, then we wait.

One thing 2 prophet's said leads me to believe D's might start dying(maybe RINO's, too). One name mentioned was Pelosi. Now I wonder after what Poopy-Pants Nadler said in the House that maybe he will be one to die also. The 2 prophets that mentioned D's dying both said these people have been given many opportunities to repent and have chosen not to. God only puts up with so much. Just read the Old Testament! He is long suffering but only for so long.

All the prophets said we will see justice done, world wide. These evil people are going down. Wait on the Lord. He has this.

Anonymous ID: 50ad1e Feb. 27, 2021, 7:24 p.m. No.13065645   🗄️.is 🔗kun


God intervenes in lives every day. As for a BIG move now: for at least 5 years I've heard prophets say the Lord is pour His Spirit on all mankind soon. That is already starting in California(watch California?). The Spiritual move will start in the west and go east, and then world wide. God calls the US His land. The early settlers in this land made a covenant with God, for this to be God's country, that we would send missionaries out to spread the Gospel. And the churches of this country have sent missionaries as agreed on.

If you read Bible prophecy and listen to today's prophets it's easy to see we are in the end time, and God promised over 2K years ago to pour His Spirit on all mankind. He's keeping that promise in our time.

And it's absolutely no coincidence that the evil demonic illuminati started the same year our nation became(1776).

We are in the biggest spiritual battle for mankind since Jesus Christ walked our world as a man. Pray and believe God's salvation!