There were, not sure if there still are, coaching courses that some states, districts would require to be able to coach high school sports. ACEP, maybe?
One of the principles in the safety aspect was matching athletes. For example, a football coach shouldn't run a practice scrimmage with seniors on the varsity against a team of all freshmen.
IOW, this transgender shit goes against safety principles in contact sports. I would have quit before I was forced to play a transgender based on safety principles, alone. Too much liability.
Remedy, as I see it, is to eliminate all gender designations for school teams and just maintain a Varsity/JV in each sport. All students can try out if they wish.
Those not making the cut can go to club sports. Not sure how club sports are handling this bullshit, but that may be the only refuge for a talented girl athlete. More like the European system, with talented athletes moving to better performing clubs if there ability warrants it.