so when 800 (EIGHT HUNDRED that is a lot) of Ethiopians are killed defending the Arc of the Covenant… something tells me this is so much more. I read a book a long time ago by Graham Hancock that spurred that move Tom Hanks made The DaVinci Code (or at least i think it did) but anyway, Hancock wrote that the Arc of the Covenant resides in Ethiopia and is guarded there in a little church. I read that way back in the early 1990's.
Now you have Ethiopians returning to Israel and many such as The Young Pharoh claiming they are the True Israelites, which they very well could be. This was started in the 70's actually with Menachem Begin who is massively interesting and who was actually a polish jew who had been through the first world war and second as a prisoner who was tortured and his family killed by the Russians during the war. He has in incredible career. but Mossad started to bring the Ethiopian jews back to Israel but it was stopped.
It was called Operation Moses https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Moses
rather fascinating history is it not. worth a read about Menachem Begin and Operation Moses.
The operation was stopped, then many did not make over and many children were "orphaned" they were not treated well in Israel etc… but also the Sudan was bad for them because of the Muslim and Christian population there.
Now we have Muh Reparations coming out of the fucking White House and a brain dead zombie with his whore handler calling for all white people to pay 800,000 each to the so called black slaves (while ignoring the fact that most slave owners were jewish and there were more white slaves than blacks and who were worth less than black slaves and treated much worse). I think this is just another ISRAEL-like trick to take the focus off of the awakening of the black people to what might be an interesting turn of events and will be a whole other war and we will be observing something big in the days to come over this.
Interesting to watch all these things unfold. but Its time for people to get familiar with history and how it has led to this timeline we are in now.